Park / Pacific Island

Park_1401 Pacific Island


  • RCTNW%s's Photo
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    On behalf of the fellow RCTMasters that worked on the park, we are very happy to announce this as the 17th RCTM club park. I for one would like to thank everyone who helped out on the project (Ice Dragon, RCT Flame, Brent - premary builders. Mantis for his liquid coaster, rwadams for the mono hack, Mama Bear & cBass for testing the park and of course Kai for the overall support of the project). Vacation Park of the Month

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  • Panic%s's Photo
    I'm sorry to be saying this, but somewhere there is a line between a theme park that includes a resort and a resort that includes a theme park, and this park looked to be in the latter category. It looked as if the pride and joy of the project was the hotel (which was very well done, by the way), and as if the theme park was an afterthought. Again I hate to say this, but the park would have kind of sucked without the hotel. The coasters were way too close together and crowded each other. The layouts were in places unrealistic and sometimes just plain impractical. I'll give you an example - the brown coaster on the far left of the island was a couple of really tall and slow hills, followed by the second half of the ride having very few notable hills. The theming didn't look like it was trying to be anything in particular, just a bunch of buildings and colors. And the island itself was very boring. I know what you were going for with the Kansai thing but it made the landscaping very flat (except under the water coaster). The main thing I had a problem with, which is the sum of all those parts, is that too little was going on on the mainland (other than the waterpark island, which was nice to look at and well done), with all the parking lots and whatnot, and too much was going on on the island. Anyway, there were some very nice things about this park: the hotel, the waterpark, and the monorail. But it looked like those were supposed to be the highlight of the park, and since there was little movement in the hotel and the waterpark (no rides in operation), one naturally looks to roller coasters and rides for the real motion.

    I'll take another look at this park and see if it grows on me.

    EDIT: Ok, I'll say this. Most everything to the right of the big twister in the middle of the park with the "Junya Boy" element, everything to the right of that was pretty good, except for the purple coaster. I hadn't looked at the flying coaster before and found it very nice. The woodie was also pretty well done and the water coaster was very cool too, although those buildings on top of the water coaster got really repetitive and didn't flow too well. But it was a bit better at second glance.

    RCTNW, you seem to have a thing with those long, winding approaches to the lift hills of your coasters. I'm a big fan of those.
  • RCTNW%s's Photo
    Panic - Thanks for the feedback.

    When I first thought of the idea for this park (long before it became a club park), my initial concept was to have a small gentle park on the mainland (along with the resort hotel, parking and entrance plaza and have the island as the thrilling portion of the park (coasters and thrill rides) but once I got into the SE with it, the island was just too close to the shore for this to work the way I wanted it too so the "gentle" portion was scrapped in an effort to push it as far out as I could but still leave some detail work on the mainland so that it would not look like just a small island in a bunch of water. The entrance plaza and parking was key to give the effect of 2 unique aspects of the park for the realism that I was looking for.

    The hotel is a signature aspect to ALL of my parks. In fact, this was the same hotel I submitted for the PT round but failed at giving it the look it has now. I took the lessons learned from that version and incorporated it into this final version which I feel it is much better now because of it. I take pride in all my hotels and they are and will be a key element to all my parks. My only regret for these is like you said, there is no movement to them.

    As for the park. Please keep in mind that this park was turned into a club park along time ago and the only guidance to the other park makers was that it have a tropical, open air, fun feel to it. To also experiment with different ideas. I was also coming off of my last solo (Skagit River) where my coaster skills were still very weak and my contribution to the park was going to be outside elements. This was later changed once we had some problems with other commitments and time. I then had to go in and re map the areas to work around existing work.

    As for the coaster comment regarding the elements prior to the lift hill, this is something I picked up from Kai as it servers a purpose. It allows me to use the "block break" mode (those a shorter station with more trains) but if you notice, the trains to not get stopped on the lift hills while the other trains finish the run. Because the mid course breaks slow the train down too much, this is how I get around that problem.

    Overall, I'm very happy with the final result. It was a fun park to build and just has a fun feeling to it (IMO).

    Thanks again for the feedback and you bring up some very interesting points that I will keep in mind for future projects.

  • PBJ%s's Photo
    oke i DWL the park and opened it!

    first thing that came op in my mind --> Nice freeway :twitch:
    I followed some paths and i saw the entence --> Kablam Great job Nice arc and combo of objects.
    WTF a monorail ??? lets follow it. underwater in a tunnel of glass --> Great idea and Great Job
    Finely the atraction at there own --> I love the watercoaster it is long and the theming is just FANTASTIC th rest of the coasters are also great and the theming too but for some reason i think there are too much coasters! But he who am i???
    last thing i saw was the hotel with the pool --> you can guest what my reaction was: WOW


    Theming: 8/10
    Coasters: 8/10
    Original: 9/10

    Rating whole park = 8,3 out of 10!