Park / Ripper

Park_1400 Ripper


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    I was a fan of this, but it was so plain you couldn't even get away with calling it vanilla.
  • magmoormaster%s's Photo
    It was supposed to be plain. I was more about the enviroment than anything.
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    Not a bad ride for me
    Reminded me a lot of this one in Japan

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    But it was the structures around the path that let it down mainly in my view. But its a lovely little ride Magmoormaster and I'm looking forwards to more.
  • dmaxsba%s's Photo
    Very well built coaster. :)
  • magmoormaster%s's Photo
    What ride is that Roomie? Looks pretty cool.

    Yeah, I know my architecture is sorta bland... Any suggestions on how I can make them better?
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Start with an idea/concept?

    It wasn't bad, just boring. :)
  • magmoormaster%s's Photo
    Wow, that's really helpful. >_>
  • Roomie%s's Photo

    What ride is that Roomie? Looks pretty cool.
    Used to be the Eagle Coaster but is now The Highway Coaster at Japan Monkey Park. Quite a nice twister style layout too.

    As for the buildings I'd suggest just trying more detail and make use of the smaller blocks. I know that sounds a bit vague but im awful at RCT 2 Archy myself :p The best i suggest is taking a look at something like Robbie92's work and getting inspiration from that. The stuff on here seems quite blocky.
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    Some better supports and maybe an inversion could've helped. Don't know why but this reminded me of the Giant loop arrow Opopogo I think it's called that was submitted
  • magmoormaster%s's Photo
    Inversions are overused. I feel that there is a lot more to a ride than inversions, that's why I dislike most B & M rides. So I use them very sparingly, and in this case, not all. And besides, it's supposed to be a Swarzkopf coaster. A lot of them didn't have inversions.
  • 41.54%(required: 65%)  Design Submission
    Percentage of vote: 41.54%
    CedarPoint6 55%
    nin 55%
    ][ntamin22 55%
    inVersed 50%
    K0NG 50%
    Kumba 50%
    chapelz 45%
    Liampie 45%
    5dave 35%
    Six Frags 35%
    turbin3 35%
    geewhzz 30%
    SSSammy 30%
    posix 25%
    Evil WME 20%
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