Park / Sasshire Valley Amusement Park
11-July 10
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61.92%(required: 60%)
SSSammy 85% Kumba 70% Roomie 70% turbin3 70% chapelz 65% Evil WME 65% inVersed 65% Liampie 65% posix 65% CedarPoint6 60% 5dave 55% Ozone 55% geewhzz 50% K0NG 50% Six Frags 50% 61.92% -
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But whatever dude, I don't care anymore. Just vote the way you like and be happy about it..
Glad you liked the logo. It's my first NE Logo
i still believe that this voting system is the best possible way, but its kindof baffling in my opinion.
regardless, this park is fantastic AC.
there are a lot of really cool and classy concepts that you achieved in this.
nice work:]
Well u see they took the ferris wheel out a few years ago after it burned down and they didnt want to goto the expense of changing a well established logo
About the park: The coaster designs were a little unorthodox, but that's a good thing to me. Things the stuck out: The sick first drop on the woodie and the relentless set of inversions on the B&M (loop, dive loop, zero-g, two corkscrews). Both of those just look insanely fun to ride.
But seriously, when the whole panel votes this park 61,92% and epws 88% and 88,24% Spotlight, I was just wondering why sssammy voted this park 85% and epws 85% and no spotlight. But that's his opinion, I get that, I was just being curious if he maybe had another explanation for why he voted as he voted.. And I didn't call him out, I just asked a question. I'm not mad or anything as I said..
Thanks a lot, but I really do think that Ivalice is better than my park; the ideas there were simply great and, having played FFtactics before, I really loved how you interpreted the ff theme. Besides, my park did have a lot of errors. I'm just happy that people got to enjoy it! It was so exciting seeing it on the front page. I mean, I've been a lurker here since the days of Mantis and Aero, so seeing my first park being shared like this is more than wonderful. As for the voting, I can understand Six Frags' point; it doesn't make sense to equate both parks if the scale were to carry over.
It was nice to see how much you have improved, just through this one park, I look forward to your next release