Park / Sasshire Valley Amusement Park
11-July 10
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61.92%(required: 60%)
SSSammy 85% Kumba 70% Roomie 70% turbin3 70% chapelz 65% Evil WME 65% inVersed 65% Liampie 65% posix 65% CedarPoint6 60% 5dave 55% Ozone 55% geewhzz 50% K0NG 50% Six Frags 50% 61.92% -
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Congratulations Roomie !
avanine, congratulations on winning silver and getting your name on #11 in the rankings! the park was nice and charming, yet not really flowing well for me. sometimes it felt a bit random and unpurposeful, which creates an atmosphere of building insecurity. this however, is the all so normal neverending battle to rct greatness that i think everyone is struggling with to some extent. with your recent progress though from what you've shown on the forums, i am very keen to see your upcoming projects.
To be honest, it's kinda insulting to me.
AC; Nice little park, I basically agree with everything posix said.
Just think about it a bit please, and try to understand where I'm coming from. That's all I ask..
Going to go fix the parks entrance and let the little fellas in and see what they think of the place.
As for what I'm reading about votes, and from what I've seen with my own park and the ratings of others I've looked at, it seems to me that some of the panel is very bias when it comes to the style of other players or who the builder is, that goes for high and low votes. While some really seem to put their personal preferences aside and look at the park(s) for what they are, and not what they think they should be. I remember reading somewhere about panelists should post what they liked and didn't like in a public way, so everyone (not just the park builder) really understands where their vote came from and I kind of like the idea, however I also realize how time consuming it would be and honestly it really doesn't matter. By dropping the low and high the system really seems to work quite well. Just my thoughts on the issue, not meant to insult or anger anyone.
A= 80-100
This is only how I view the scores. But I think some panelists are afraid to vote "too low" sometimes. This park definitely fit the bronze ranking, but low silver seems a bit high.
Thanks for everyone's support, and I hope you at least enjoyed certain parts of my park!
Good luck with your next project, look forward to seeing it.
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