Park / Sonoma Falls Theme Park
15-July 10
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Roomie 90% SSSammy 90% turbin3 90% CedarPoint6 85% Liampie 80% Nokia 80% Ozone 80% ][ntamin22 80% inVersed 75% posix 75% Steve 75% Evil WME 70% K0NG 70% Sey 70% geewhzz 60% 78.46% -
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tdub96 Offline
EDIT: I never saw this collabo coming. It was fantastic. Great to see contributions from older members like sloB and cork, and this gold park shines. I would like to know who contributed to which areas, tho i might have some ideas already to which areas where designed by whom. My favorite was easily the Klondike Run mine was themed beautifully with a great layout and interactions. I also loved Charyys Revenge, what a sweet ride. It seemed to be LNM inspired but pack so much more punch than the BG counterpart. Throw in fantastic archy and awesome theming and you get one excellent park. Well done boys.
Thunderhead Canyon and Lucifern Wilderness were great as well, although not even half as great as Kinetus Seaport.
I wasn't a fan of the City Walk. The buildings were (mostly) nice and there are some good ideas, but it lacks atmosphere and cohesion.
I dislike the entrance area. There was virtually nothing there except for brown.
Quivera was cool. The coasters are awesome and there were some nice details to discover. The rapids were too bare IMO.
Amazone Congo Trading Post (is it really called like that? Congo and Amazone are two totally different areas) could have been in Dimensions: Realism of Creation, which means I really like it, but somehow it was missing something I can't put my finger on. Maybe it lacks a major ride, maybe the theming was TOO chaotic here, maybe the area just had the wrong setting. I don't know. The area just doesn't work like it should... Still, there are some lovely details to discover.
I don't know what to think of Kananga. It looks like an afterthought, squeezed into a corner like that... Excluding Lucifern Wilderness, there are three 'jungle/tribe' areas now, which is at least one too many. I think it would've been wise to merge Kananga and Amazone Congo Trading Post; like this neither of the two work.
I didn't get Province Countryside; I do get why it was excluded from the writeup.
- - -
All in all, awesome park. I didn't like the entrance area and Province Countryside (honorary-mention quality), but everything was good (bronze-quality) to SO FUCKING INCREDIBLE (spotlight-quality). A well-deserved Gold.
And know the inevitable question arises... Who did what? It was fun to puzzle for a while, but I couldn't figure out everything. Someone, please post a map.
edit: Cool logo, btw.
edit2: Lol @ Corkscrewed being at #27 in current rankings.
Who made the woodie/dueling flyers?
Awesome job guys.
The park is fantastic, honestly. Great time spent detailing - the supports on the duelers really stood out to me. Fantastic job all around!
It was refreshing to get a new classic style rct2 release!
It looks like a mix of Turtle and Xcoaster, with some Kumba and robbie92 here and there.
Nice theme park
Congratulations on the Gold and going by pure looks for the place it definitely deserves it but it wouldn't even make honorable mention in my book for the bad planning all over the place.
Corkscrewed - Citywalk, Provence Countryside, Portovierto Village (Entrance)
Kumba - Kananga, Côte D'noire, Quivera (rapids, 2 level maze and entrances), Citywalk and Kinetus Seaport.
Ride6 - Quivera including the themeing on the duelers, Lucifern Wilderness.
Metropole - Thunderhead Canyon and Provence Countryside.
Turtle - Thunderhead Canyon.
disneylhand - Citywalk, duelers layouts.
Robbie - Kinetus Seaport, Mamba layout.
Kevin - Bits of the Lucifern Wilderness.
sloB - Up to half of the Portovierto Village.
5Dave - Kinetus Seaport
Xcoaster - Kinetus Seaport and Citywalk.
Six Frags - Kinetus Seaport
J K - Kinetus Seaport
Chapelz - Citywalk
zodiac - Citywalk
Levis - Citywalk
Camcorder22 - Citywalk
Will post some comments and feedback soon.
Don't blame them, it is the bad programming of the guests. I have built many parks and have been forced to build underground tunnels ect. to get rid of them, and some are so dumb, that they won't leave, even if placed in front of the exit. My newest park I am working on has many glitches and an odd layout, yet its park rating is always 999 (it is slightly less if I am constructing something). I haven't assigned staff everywhere either. Also, it doesn't matter if that park is bad for peeps, it was well planned (or it would've turned out horrible for a group park) and until great hacks and ideas were developed, alot of parks here weren't even peep compatable. Many parks here would end up like ivory towers if opened up to peeps, most people now-adays only care about the beauty of a park.
Xcoaster Offline
I did the following:
*Fossil watch shop
*Basic layout, concept, and ride selection for Kinetus Seaport
*Maybe half the Kinetus Aquatus layout (mostly parts near the waterfront).
*Started a handful of buildings in the area. The windmill, the observatory (minus the telescope), and a few others (I think).
*Built the colossus status (it was originally going to be a full statue, but I got bored, and it would've been way too big).
*A drawbridge.
*A few boats.
*Secretly renamed Kinetus Seaport & Quivera
In whole, not a ton. Basically I sort of started then abandoned the seaport area.