Park / Europa Park World Showcase
08-July 10
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88.00%(required: 80%)
Kumba 100% yes Ozone 95% yes Sey 95% yes 5dave 90% yes CedarPoint6 90% yes geewhzz 90% yes inVersed 90% yes Liampie 90% yes posix 90% yes turbin3 90% yes Evil WME 85% yes K0NG 85% yes SSSammy 85% no ][ntamin22 85% yes chapelz 80% no robbie92 80% yes Roomie 80% yes 88.00% 88.24% -
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Congrats Hans!
Six Frags / Hans / RCTLegende:Â
Jou screens die je destijds showde in je topic waren slecht en matig om het zo maar te noemen, omdat de gebouwen meestal te groot waren naar mijn gevoel en details ontbraken. Echter nu ik het ingame heb gezien en ik heb bijna een uur zitten kijken tot dat ik erachter kwam dat het al over 2en in de nacht was. Moet ik echt zeggen; Van harte gefeliciteerd met deze welverdiende spotlight. Het park is misschien op sommige stukken gedateert om het zo maar te zeggen, maar dit word ruimschoots goedgemaakt door de overige dingen. Nogmaals gefeliciteerd en ik geef toe, je hebt ons flink bij de benen gehad door *kut*screens te showen in in het geheim zo'n tof park te bouwen!Â
Waarschijnlijk dat ik later nog wel uitgebreider reageer, maar als eerste reactie wou ik er toch wat hebben staan. Deze spotlight is dubbel en dwars verdient!Â
Anyway, I have to agree with Trav, I am also on the fence when it comes to this park being a Spotlight Park, but then again, who am I to really judge such a thing. The park is large and full of surprises. Well done!
What I also want to talk about in this post is consistency. Not necessarily the lack of consistency of inspiration of this park as I know its hard to keep consistency through its many years in the making (only parks like RoB have done it, hmmm), but in how the accolade panel works. Why is the person who gave the highest rating, one that ends up not even being counted, the one who gets to do the writeup for the park and represent the whole site, calling this the best park ever made? In this case, Kumba is swallowed by blind infatuation, unable to see the flaws I've pointed out above and the fact that other parks don't have these flaws. I understand that somebody with a positive outlook on this park should do the writeup, but how bout somebody with a vote that counted for putting it in spotlight voting. A panelist who had their vote scratched out can comment on the park in the thread like I'm doing right now.
Oh, and Phatage; It has to do with opinion. You have to realize not everyone around here has the same opinion as you. Maybe kumba shouldn't have done the write-up, but in the relprep there were more comments and debate about his opinion being in the write-up.. While I kinda agree a write-up should be objective, for the park being in the voting/relprep for almost 2 months I was just glad it finally could be released and so were the admins I think.
Every write-up author writes in a different way, and kumba chose to do it this way.
dmaxsba; The virginia reel ride type was the only one that supported spinning and other than with the spinning mouse type it wasn't necessary to have like 1000000 images.. It was fairly easy to create that custom ride, and I didn't have any experience in it.. You can get the maximum cars on a train by clicking on rides-8 Cars per Train..
Thanks for the replies guys! It's fun reading all different opinions about the park.
Thanks a bunch!
edit: i cannot believe how in one day the overview has been clicked almost 300 times ... i had no idea they were this popular.
In a special folder, don't know it's name atm though.
I can send it to you by pm rctmasta?
edit; Did you restart your game chrixz?
I think you've missed my point; I don't necessarily want my opinion of the park to match the writeup, but there's a panel for a reason and its rules should apply all the way through the accolade process, including the writeup that ends up representing the panel as a whole to the rest of the community. Maybe other people who had their votes count could have felt the same way and could have posted it on the site; I have no problem with opinions being expressed in the writeup. The argument shouldn't have been whether the writeup would be centered on his opinion but rather whether he should be doing the writeup.
Also I never say in the review that it's "the best park ever", Phatage. Reminds me of when DRC came out and people were trying to put new words in my lead-in
I think you've missed my point; I don't necessarily want my opinion of the park to match the writeup, but there's a panel for a reason and its rules should apply all the way through the accolade process, including the writeup that ends up representing the panel as a whole to the rest of the community. Maybe other people who had their votes count could have felt the same way and could have posted it on the site; I have no problem with opinions being expressed in the writeup. The argument shouldn't have been whether the writeup would be centered on his opinion but rather whether he should be doing the writeup.
Added to that, I just think it's impossible to write a fully objective write-up. Maybe kumba exaggerated it a bit too much, because I never before saw this much debate about a write-up.. I never thought it would be this problematic for some people if an strong opinion is noticeable in a write-up..
I get your point that it wasn't about kumba's opinion in it, but rather kumba doing it and the fact he gave it a 20. I just think it's not that big of a deal..
Oh, and thanks for the other nice replies guys! Means a lot to me