Park / Walkman Of My Brain
19-March 04
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Ain't that the truth! lol
Great read iris, you should write the more often.
Corkscrewed Offline
Wait, did I just say foreshadowing?
I don't think I can say anything about this park that hasn't been said before in this thread, plus I consider words to be a pretty bad way to describe what I think of this park. I'll just say it is one of my favourite parks ever, if not the favourite... I'm not quite sure yet.
And i'm a worker in the park, who could want more?
When I first saw this park (ages and ages ago) I don’t remember the river running through it and I’m not sure on it anyway. The red paths worked well and a nice complementary colour with the green from the trees. The flowers seemed ok until there were big patches of them and then they seemed to dominate. The Portal Cinema and eple station looked simple but I like the style of the building. Overall it was a nice entrance but could have been better imo.
Can’t decide if this is my favourite area of if rooty is. Anyway on to the area. The architecture I liked and didn’t bother me the colours worked well together imo. The yellows, purples, blacks, greys and blues looked very appealing. Digital love, what a coaster it is amazing one of my favourite beemers. The water tunnel was a nice effect to put on it. Superheroes looked cute nested in the corner and surrounded by the coaster. Daft Punk live has one of the funkiest and best stadiums I have ever seen. And moving on to D.A.F.T. Aerodynamic was nicely done and well hidden and the station looked stylish with the great daft craft on it.
Hotel Yorba
A very calm and beautiful area. The colours were great and made the area seem peaceful to me. The White Stripes is a cool coaster and has a great layout, which grows on me more and more. The hotel is in a great setting and looks lovely around the lift hill. I like those paths and flowers held up by the chess and roman pieces. The bridge over the track is simple but I really like the look of it. I wish there was more of this section but at the same time I think if there was more it might ruin it and become boring.
Pavonis Mons
Got to love pink. The area is colourful and works well. The yellow architecture is great and mixed with the red and pink it screams beauty. Fight test is only the best go-karts around I liked these more than the coaster. It interacts with the area so well. Yoshimi battles the pink robots is a nice coaster, I like the flying part the most over the water. Another amazing stadium (you’re a master at these aren’t you.) I still like daft punk live more. You have captured the artwork of the album very well. When looking at those thin trees lined up I can see the image of the artwork in my head.
Wow. Bingo Bango, what an awesome coaster. The launch start to it is an added bonus and how it interacts with the area is outstanding. Romeo River I enjoyed a lot and it was just great to look at. The mix of textures in the area was just terrific and there was so much going on in the theming, which I loved. The paths going all over the area in and out gave the area personality imo. I would love to be there exploring where all those paths lead to and getting lost.
Great park mantis sorry it took so long to write a reply. What’s with muhaha after my name in the handyman section?J
Thanks X and Turtle and DJ and, most of all (again, too), iris!
Looking forward to the next spotlights.
Was the back of the flaming lips stage supposed to be a big pair of lips?...
I love the review and when I do criticising I do go through the parks involved and jot down notes. I'm honored that I was a big enough personality to come along though. I also love your insults directed at Gymkid (among others).
I liked iris' especially, with all the cool shout outs to the people mantis put in the park.
Too bad I'm not cool enough to be in it.