Park / Turd Fanatic

Park_1368 Turd Fanatic

North West: Steve vs Dark_Horse

  1. creamsicle_7112 by Steve 54 votes [87.10%]
    Percentage of vote: 87.10%
  2. UQFTB by Dark_Horse 1 vote [1.61%]
    Percentage of vote: 1.61%
  3. Can't Vote 7 votes [11.29%]
    Percentage of vote: 11.29%

North West: Liampie vs In:Cities

  1. Turd Fanatic by Liampie 5 votes [8.06%]
    Percentage of vote: 8.06%
  2. Wyvern by In:Cities 47 votes [75.81%]
    Percentage of vote: 75.81%
  3. Can't Vote 10 votes [16.13%]
    Percentage of vote: 16.13%

North West: wheres_walto vs FK+Coastermind

  1. Medieval by wheres_walto 12 votes [19.35%]
    Percentage of vote: 19.35%
  2. Santa Clara Island by FK+Coastermind 45 votes [72.58%]
    Percentage of vote: 72.58%
  3. Can't Vote 5 votes [8.06%]
    Percentage of vote: 8.06%

North East: Maverick vs Casimir

  1. QFTB#1 by Maverick 14 votes [22.58%]
    Percentage of vote: 22.58%
  2. Oakrabah by Casimir 39 votes [62.90%]
    Percentage of vote: 62.90%
  3. Can't Vote 9 votes [14.52%]
    Percentage of vote: 14.52%

North East: disneylandian192 vs nin

  1. QFTB by disneylandian192 6 votes [9.68%]
    Percentage of vote: 9.68%
  2. Walt Disney Studios Park by nin 51 votes [82.26%]
    Percentage of vote: 82.26%
  3. Can't Vote 5 votes [8.06%]
    Percentage of vote: 8.06%

South West: ][ntamin22 vs RCTCA

  1. UQFTB-01-029 by ][ntamin22 6 votes [9.68%]
    Percentage of vote: 9.68%
  2. Tumbleweed Flats Amusement Park by RCTCA 20 votes [32.26%]
    Percentage of vote: 32.26%
  3. Can't Vote 36 votes [58.06%]
    Percentage of vote: 58.06%

South West: Ride6 vs Loopy

  1. INFERNO by Ride6 12 votes [19.35%]
    Percentage of vote: 19.35%
  2. Neptune's Fury by Loopy 18 votes [29.03%]
    Percentage of vote: 29.03%
  3. Can't Vote 32 votes [51.61%]
    Percentage of vote: 51.61%

South West: Splitvision vs Tolsimir

  1. The Demon Lord & The Hero by Splitvision 23 votes [37.10%]
    Percentage of vote: 37.10%
  2. Pretended Paradise by Tolsimir 31 votes [50.00%]
    Percentage of vote: 50.00%
  3. Can't Vote 8 votes [12.90%]
    Percentage of vote: 12.90%

South East: Milo vs Wanted

  1. QFTB LLFINAL by Milo 7 votes [11.29%]
    Percentage of vote: 11.29%
  2. Serenity by Wanted 23 votes [37.10%]
    Percentage of vote: 37.10%
  3. Can't Vote 32 votes [51.61%]
    Percentage of vote: 51.61%

South East: Austin55 vs Comet

  1. QFTB NCSO1 by Austin55 1 vote [1.61%]
    Percentage of vote: 1.61%
  2. Wildfire by Comet 54 votes [87.10%]
    Percentage of vote: 87.10%
  3. Can't Vote 7 votes [11.29%]
    Percentage of vote: 11.29%

South East: Top Gun vs Nokia

  1. Waffenfabrik der Riese by Top Gun 13 votes [20.97%]
    Percentage of vote: 20.97%
  2. Kodiak by Nokia 41 votes [66.13%]
    Percentage of vote: 66.13%
  3. Can't Vote 8 votes [12.90%]
    Percentage of vote: 12.90%


This park shares comments with 26 other parks(View Parks)
  • Louis!%s's Photo

    Posted Image
    Round 1 Voting:

    Welcome to the 1st voting stage. The poll is situated above, please vote in each match-up. Voting will end on Friday at 16:00 [GMT] and the results will follow soon after.

    If you don't want to vote or cant vote in a specific match-up then please use the "Can't Vote" option.
    You may vote for yourself of course, as there is nothing stopping you from doing so. Please vote honestly so that the contest is fair, but I'm sure everyone will.
    Below is the list of the matches with a link to a screen from each person's entry. Those that don't have a screen failed to provide an entry.
    You will have noticed that not all the match-ups are in the poll, this is because some have been won by default due to forfeits, so no voting will be needed on these matches.
    Enjoy the entries we've recieved and vote away.

    North West:

    Best Inverted Rollercoaster:


    Best Suspended Rollercoaster


    North East:

    Best Corkscrew Rollercoaster:


    Best Launched Rollercoaster:


    South West:

    Best Hyper/Giga Rollercoaster:

    ][NTAMIN22 vs RCTCA
    RIDE6 vs LOOPY

    Best Vertical Drop Rollercoaster:

    DR DIRT vsK0NG

    South East:

    Best Flying Rollercoaster:


    Best Stand-Up Rollercoaster:


    As you can see the following people have made it through to Round 2 due to forfeits:

    -Dr Dirt

    Congratulations to these 5 and good luck to the rest who have entered Round 1!

    Attached Files

  • geewhzz%s's Photo
    is it just me who thinks it's going to be really annoying to go through every park and vote on everyone all at once. i expect a lot of "miss" votes
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    Well I did it like this for the simple fact that this is an unofficial contest, and thought it was unfair to over-run the site with seperate match topics.

    I actually did it so that you and Posix wouldn't get annoyed with the overload of topics about the same contest when it isnt an official NE contest.
  • Wanted%s's Photo
    Gonna start a post and edit as I view each matchup.

    Steve v Dark_Horse
    Steve's layout is more unique and Dark_Horse's has two(technically one) disqusting elements.

    Liampie v In:cities
    Most horrendous coloured coaster in history with a decent layout vs the worst layout in history with cool theming. Gonna have to BARELY hand this one off to In:Cities. Please create a ride that is SOMEWHAT believable.

    Belgianguy your entry was a beauty to look at. Will look at the actual layout later.

    Wheres_Walto v FK+Coastermind
    Finally an exciting matchup. Walto your landscaping and architecture was really nice but FK's landscaping and architecture was great as well. He also had a really exciting layout to watch so he wins it for me.

    Turtle, the atmosphere you ALWAYS seem to create just amazes me. Congrats.

    Maverick v Casimir
    Maverick's design was great because of the fountain combined with the electrifying colors. Both coasters were rather SLOW, which is a big problem for me. Casimir I liked your ride as a whole, but when I looked at it piece by piece it was boring

    SSSammy you created a ride that is incredibly fun to look at. However I was hoping for an inversion before that second launch!

    Dislandian192 v Nin
    I can't pick right now. After I view the rest I will vote between these two FUCKING AWESOME entries. Alright in the end I went for Dislandian's. I loved them both though! Don't hate me Nin.

    ][NTAMIN22 v RCTCA
    RCTCA, that was really cool. Both had good and fun layouts, but Goliath is one of my favorite coasters out there and this was the first time I've seen someone go in the Giovanala direction in LL.

    Ride6 v Loopy
    Both of you can do better than that. Overall I liked Ride6's better because of the station. Not much more I want to say about this...

    Splitvision v Tolsmir
    Jesus christ. Two really good entries. More on this later. Looked at these again. Tolsmir you blew me away, good job.

    Dr Dirt I liked the ride....KONG WTF!!!!!!!!?????

    Milo cool idea. I'm 100% positive you could have executed what you were aiming for if you had more time to "think" about it. As for mine, read what I wrote in the download before viewing!'s pretty plain. All I can say is cool station.

    Austin55 v Comet
    Austin you had a nice B&M standup goin for you, but no theming. Comet you won this one as soon as I opened it. The whole thing is gorgeous. I could never do that whole NCSO thing so mad props.

    Top Gun v Nokia
    Hey Top Gun you wanna play some Zombs :p It was a cool little entry but it was kind of ugly(Sorry) Nokia your entry was very pleasing and relaxing. Nice job both of you. I could never do that whole NCSO thing so mad props.

    Edited by Wanted, 04 July 2010 - 02:34 PM.

  • turbin3%s's Photo
    nin's entry was the best of all.
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    aw pants

    I have lost
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    ^I dont think you have, I think it will be close.
    I thought your layout was much stronger and whilst the surroundings werent much, they were better than RCTCA's.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    Maverick, there you have your matchup ;)
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo

    ^I dont think you have, I think it will be close.
    I thought your layout was much stronger and whilst the surroundings were blatantly unfinished, they were also less complete than RCTCA's.

  • That Guy%s's Photo
    I was really looking forward to K0NG's entry... :|
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    I really hoped for a matchup sulakke, I hate winning a round like this...

    I hope it would have been a decent match-up and maybe release what you had later on in the summer cuz I'd like to see what I'd had to face.
    I prefer losing in a close match any day of the year over winning like this just for the record. I hope round2 will see more finished stuff since almost nobody did get a really finished entry.

    Edited by BelgianGuy, 04 July 2010 - 02:31 PM.

  • Austin55%s's Photo
    ^Your entry was the best for me IMO, I liked it more than Nin's honestly. Congratulations.

    BTW Sorry Comet, I pulled a bad one on you.

    Edited by Austin55, 04 July 2010 - 02:35 PM.

  • Tolsimir%s's Photo
    My top 3:

  • Wanted%s's Photo

    Top 5 in no order


    Edited by Wanted, 04 July 2010 - 02:38 PM.

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Wow, some great entries! My top favourites are Turtle, BelgianGuy, Tolsimir, Splitvision, disneylandian92, nin and SSSammy.

    BelgianGuy, I didn't know you were THIS good. Excellent.

    Splitvision, great entry. Tolsimir's is even greater though. It was hard to not vote for you.

    SSSammy, you improved so much again! The coaster was really good.

    Turtle, thanks.

    Comet, it's brown again and the coaster was boring, but still this is my favourite work from you ever! It looked great somehow!

    Steve disappointed me. I expected him to submit an unfinished coaster actually, but not this unfinished and not this small either. It could've been great...
  • trav%s's Photo
    Here's my summary:

    A pretty boring matchup. Had to give it to Steve simply cos he had a better layout...

    I feel ripped off by In:Cities. Those overviews looked ace, and then this really wasn't very good. Liam, I dunno what you were doing. You had a solid layout, but the colours and lack of theming seemed a Gonna give this one to In:Cities by a narrow margin.

    Definitely the dark horse of this tournament. I'd say this was my third favourite ride this week.

    Wow, where did that come from? Where's Walto's park was pretty nice, especially for someone I've never heard of before. But FK just showed (almost) everyone up this week. 2nd favourite of this round.

    Typical Turtle. Great atmosphere, but I fear that I've seen that theme from you one too many times now.

    Completely gutted about this, cos if I'd have pulled my finger out a bit, I reckon I'd have won Casimir haha. Oh well. Maybe next time. Voted for Casimir because whilst it's not his best work, it was still pretty nice. Mavericks wasn't detailed enough for me.

    Wow, when did you get so good? A solid entry. I thought the area around Excalibur was fantastic. If you'd have themed it all as well as that, this would be in my top 3 for this week.

    Best match up so far. DL192's would have won against 90% of the other contestants, but That is quite possibly the best thing I've ever seen in RCT2. Even better than ArchAngel. Just...superb.

    Cos I don't have LL on this computer, I won't vote in this match up, just give my opinion. I thought his was quite poor, no where near your usual standards. The architecture was blocky, the landscaping was choppy, and the layout was too compact for me.

    Now, I've not seen much of Tolsimir, but people say he's pretty good so I was actually rather looking forward to this matchup, cos I know Split can deliver. Tolsimir's was quite atmospheric. I didn't like the coaster, not the colour scheme, nor the landscaping. But I did like the architecture. Split's was much the same. I think I will give this one to Split hough, as I preferred his archy.

    If this was finished, It would have probably given Nin a bit of competition for best this round.

    Comet's entry was fantastic, especially for NCSO. Your style really suits it man. Austin's wasn't so great. Sorry.

    [u]TOP GUN vs NOKIA

    Wtf was Top Gun's entry? Didn't like it at all, sorry. Very solid entry from Nokia. Lots of charm, my only problem with it is the lack of architecture, because the architecture that is there is fantastic.

    [u]TOP 5

    1. Nin
    2. FK
    3. BG
    4. Comet/Nokia
    5. SSSammy
  • Splitvision%s's Photo
    There were some great material here, and some though matchups.

    How I voted and the reasons why:

    Steve vs Dark_Horse - Steve

    Since both entries contained not much apart from the coasters, I will judge entirely based on them and that makes Steve the winner for me. It flowed well and I liked the pre-lift section aswell.

    Liampie vs In:Cities - In:Cities

    While I:C's coaster was completely insane and not that good, not technically neither aestethically (except for the part with the two large loops and the helix at the waterfall) and Liampie's were slightly better, I vote for I:C simply because it felt like he went for it more than Liam. He had a grander concept going on while Liam choosed a more juvenile theme :p I actually found, what I assumed to be a turd, on the top of the toilet in Liam's entry a bit funny :D

    wheres_walto vs FK+coastermind - FK

    w_w's entry was nice, only I didn't really feel the medieval theme except for at the station. FK's entry contained a bit more and also I liked the layout plus overall concept better. The submarine was cool.

    Maverick vs Casimir - Casimir

    It was mainly that I liked Casimir's layout a lot more than Maverick's, it felt a lot more natural, but also the small amount of theming that was there was slightly better than that in Maverick's.

    disneylandian192 vs nin - nin

    Even though disneylandian192's entry was very nice in several ways, nins was simply better. Of course much due to the difference in finishedness between the two but also because it was so clean and carefully done without the tiniest hint of sloppyness, and the name for the coaster was just brilliant.

    ][ntamin22 vs RCTCA - No vote

    Couldn't view this in-game as I don't have LL so I had to judge from the screens, and that makes RCTCA a pretty obvious choice for me, as it looked about finished and I liked it. ]['s screen was just too messy and unfinished to stand a chance. No actual vote though as I can't view the entries properly in-game.

    Ride6 vs Loopy - No vote

    Couldn't vote here either as I can't view Loopy's entry. I could view Ride6's entry though and that was really nice, the layout was great.

    Splitvision vs Tolsimir - Splitvision

    Yeah :p

    Milo vs Wanted - No vote

    Same as above. Wanteds entry looked slightly more finished. And while Milo seemed to go for something more original while Wanted's entry looked more generic, I felt it wasn't enough.

    Austin55 vs Comet - Comet

    Pretty easy choice seeing as Comet's entry was a lot more finished than Austin55's. Comet's entry had some really nice theming and a great atmosphere. Austin55's layout was pretty good though.

    Top Gun vs Nokia - Nokia

    Both entries were very good, but I went for Nokia as I liked the atmosphere in it more and also I found the layout to be very clever. Top Gun's were good as well, but I didn't like the dive-loop/large-loop/upward dive loop (I don't know the right name for that element) section.

    Then we had the entries that won by forfeit. I found them all to be pretty good, sammy surprised me with his great entry and BG's entry was one of the better. Turtle's was pretty awesome aswell.

    well done everyone, really excited about how the voting will turn out!
  • J K%s's Photo
    I voted to win . . .

    Wheres Walto
    Belgian Guy
    Dr Dirt

    *note - a fraction got a buy.

    Best matchup - Split vs Tolsimir.
    Most disappointed - K0NG
    Best 1st round entry - Turtle
    Most surprised - Belgian Guy <3

    General notes -
    Where’s walto - Good architecture, nice atmosphere. I was surprised.

    Turtle – You’re going to make the final four. Beautiful atmosphere as always and you can tell you were a parkmaker... You just outclassed everyone

    BelgianGuy - It just looked awesome. Your my top 5 non parkmakers.

    Sssammy - Realistic, modern, your the first on my list for top 5 non parkmaker.

    Incitties - Most ambitious, keep going.

    Loopy - The screen looked amazing.

    Splitvision - Strongest scenery, 5Dave reminiscent. You’re a strong name for the future.

    I'm kinda disappointed and doubting whether to download the next round. After I viewed half the entries I just didn't feel up to the others (yet viewed to be fair). I congratulate Louis and Nin for organizing this and I hope the rounds get stronger. Belgian guy, Turtle and split were strongest for me and I hope tolsimir goes through. K0NG was a massive disappointment for me due to not even submitting. Yeah anyway good luck. P.s Sssammy is the future.
  • Splitvision%s's Photo
    Hmm most in most of the matchups it looks like one entry is going to get a landslide win, except for the one between me and Tolsimir, the one between ][ and RCTCA and the one between Loopy and Ride6 which is a shame IMO. But as have been mentioned the overall quality will probably improve to the next round, and also it'll probably be more level. BTW thanks everyone who voted for me so far and have given nice comments on my entry, I really appreciate it.
  • nin%s's Photo
    Thanks for all of the comments on my entry everyone, and thanks to disneylandian for providing a nice match up. My original idea was very run of the mill, so when I saw his screens I knew I'd have to step my game up a bit, though going back to an earlier save after being on year 25 or so on the first entry was a bit of a set back on my part. These last two days I killed it up until right about the deadline, so the entry is a bit rushed and already on a final run through I saw a few missing blocks here and there and whatnot, so pardon the sloppiness.

    I do plan to go back and redo some minor parts on this, as well as making it more function peep-wise (it already is, just with some minor problems, anyone interested can simply build a path up from the entrance gates to the park). Also, hopefully I captured the Disney vibe in this park? Obviously a rocket wouldn't be in a Disney park, but with time constraints I wasn't able to make a RnR so I just went with what I had, same with the drop ride.

    Moving on, back to disneylandian's entry. This was pretty great, nice stuff here. At first when I saw the vertical spike I thought you were going for a PowderKeg inspired S&S coaster, but then the freefall cars began their descent. The overall theme was really nice too, we don't see that kind of stuff too much anymore, and the haunted mansion was great. I too was going to make a dark ride in my entry but just ran out of time.
  • Description

    I signed up for the Unofficial Quest for the Best without knowing what I would actually build. I had to make an Inverted Coaster, making it even more difficult for me. In the end, I ended up not having enough time anyway. I didn't want to forfeit so I put together this piece of shit (literally) in not more than thirty minutes, although the layout is older. It BARELY lost to In:Cities' entry... On the one hand I regret not putting more effort into this, on the other hand I'm glad I'm out of the contest now so I can work on more serious projects.

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