Park / Ports of Magia
23-March 05
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the wannabe-sierra glen was just "ouch" and the rest semi-realistic. i like parks that are clear in style. this one wasn't.
like x said, this is standard and doesn't excite me.
which is exactly what everyone else who has an idea of parkmaking thinks. honestly, i think it should be that way. well, heh, maybe not kevin, but you know...
i mean how can you possible give spotlights to people just for the sake that they're not on the "top players list" ?! i find that quite funny, really. also, you are no spotlight selector when you feel you must put away your personal preference. it makes you objective by force, which never works. trust me, it just makes you unhappy because you call things good which, when you're honest, are just boring you.
also this "some may say yes, some may say no so if you belong to the "no" group, you must understand that we can't please anyone with our picks" argument. quite confusing how you can give spotlights to certain "groups" of people. i think it's just taking the easy way out saying "you can't please everyone". especially seeing as there have been spotlights in the past which, by and large, did please everyone.
so to state my point; spotlights have to be strong parks. there can't be weaker spotlights. that's a contradiction in itself.
if you're looking at a park thinking "hmm, i really dunno, spotlight yes? spotlight no?", then to me, the penny has dropped, no spotlight. simple as that.
sure, seeing as the overall talent of the site has dropped withing the two last years, it'd mean we'll possibly have only one or two spotlights a year, but personally, i wouldn't mind at all. just aslong as the spotlight stays "golden"!
edit; i forgot to say that it seems as if you consider the fatha's, nateloxes, x-sectors and bla to be sterilised? "we'd only have parks from them". wait until slob sends you his solo. okay, okay, it's posix and his annoying slob fascination again, yet what i mean is that there can always well be players to reach up. and from your post, corkscrewed, it seemed as if artist didn't by any means. so again, i don't really understand why you'd give spotlight.
I can see why it was a spotlight though. Even the "weakest" area (the one with the giga imo) was excellent in quality and exicution but very little of it was terribly original or very infectivily exciting. Personally I agree that the spotlight should contain major universal apeal from either a mind-blowing talent or creativity standpoint. Maybe both.
Even so I consider this park to be one of the upper crust of rct2. But the spotlight has to be more than that... It needs to be one of the absolute best, ever.
But I do like the park and if nothing else it gives me hope that I will win a spotlight one day myself. Since it no longer seems quite so far out of reach (like the top of a cliff and I'm at the bottem)... Now it seems to be up a mountain, all I need to do is clime (er build a solo
lol, jk.
Overall, good park, but I liked BGE better than this. I dunno, I personally would have rather seen both get SRU, but hey, whatever works best.
Congrats Artist.
I enjoyed the park, and it was definitely appeasing to me. The thing that bothered me most about this park, was that the type of areas you chose (not including Watermelon Valley) are things that are seen ALOT and are some parkmakers' trademarks (strong points etc.) .
I can't really write reviews. So yea..
CONGRATS though. This is truly an honour. Don't let anyone rain too hard on your day.
bah, i started rambling there, but what i said at the beginning stands chris. congratulations, and let's hope for some more original work in the future. if you can achieve originality, i think youll be a very very successful parkmaker.
The reasons should be fairly obvious on that, I hope. If not, I'd be glad to elaborate but I think slob did a pretty nice job.
Burano: This area was very nice and wasn't overwhelming. The buildings were at the right height and the colors worked well with the area. I also liked how you put Assarie right in the middle of this area; it is a great centerpiece for Burano.
Piraeus: Anemous was awesome. I liked where it sat, the layout was great, and the color of it definitely goes well with the rest of Piraeus.
The architecture is nice as well except there was a little too much marble, but only a tad bit. I like how you put some blue in there right next to Assarie. It really went well with it.
Val Desaire: This is the best western area I've seen to date. The architecture reminded me of Steve's Mandarin design but was still original. The woodie could have been a little better. It seemed slow in spots and the way that it was laid out, it looked crowded. The architecture at the top was nice.
Watermelon Valley: This is a very unique theme. At first the colors seemed way to random but for some reason when I saw that Fruit Factory, they all seemed to fall in place and work well together.
Professor Tooty's Factory Tours is the best water coaster I've seen in Rct. I really liked how it snaked its way around and through Watermelon Valley. Nice work.
Some of the buildings look a little blocky but only a little bit.
Calypso Cove: While the architecture is nice, the colors seemed random and a bit too vibrant for my tastes. I know what you were going for but that is just my opinion.
Eruption was pretty cool and I liked how you based it of Nemesis. My only problem with it is it was not long enough. My favorite part of Eruption was that Zero G Roll over the queue. It reminded my of S:UF's barrel roll that goes over it's queue.
Overall you did a spectacular job on this park. I think it is a nice change to see some traditional, yet thrilling parks (Which are 1 of my favorite types of parks because of that warm, inviting, and calming feeling they give you.), winning here at NE. Another thing that is amazing to me is how fast you built this. It seems like just yesterday you showed me the 1st screen of this.
Congrats Chris on winning spotlight and getting a Parkmaker spot at NE3. You definitely deserved it. I can't wait to see more from you.
Edit: I forgot to mention this. I like how you made your own queues instead of using the regular queue paths.
The pirate area of Calypso Cove was pretty cool as well. It really gave a nice contrast to the rest of the area.
Anyway, congratulations on your achievment. Watermelon valley was fab. Strange that bold colors could actually strike a sense of realism.
Looking forward to looking at more of your work.
Corkscrewed Offline
You're entitled to your opinion. But then, if nothing comes for several months, do I wait a year to get a park that's better than the last Spotlight? I don't think the bar should be that elitist. To me, that borders on being snobby. Basically, while you may think it's okay to wait months, even years, for a "THE SPOTLIGHT," I don't. This is the best park I've gotten in four months. I cannot really assume that I'll get better. It's quite possible that I might, but who knows? In either case, that is merely a part of my reasoning. The fact remains that my gut feeling said this park was Spotlight-worthy. The other stuff merely confirmed it.
I didn't give it to Chris just because he wasn't on the top players list. I gave it to him because he's produced two great parks within the past month and this one fits the quality in my opinion.
If I hadn't gotten to know you better over the past few months, I'd probably be insulted by that line, which imposes your opinion on me. Firstly, the park did NOT bore me, because I would not have put it up if it had. Secondly, I didn't say I completely put away my personal preference. But to use only personal preference in choosing a park is pretty ludicrous as well. I balanced the two. And just because the park didn't appeal to you doesn't mean I was bored to it. Honestly, I thought you were above condescending assumptions like that. The park might make YOU unhappy, but I enjoyed it. Don't assume that I didn't.
How many Spotlights HAVE pleased everyone? SWA, RoB, and then Phantasia? EVERY park has its non-fans. I don't pick parks "for people," I merely recognize that different people have different tastes. I'll assume that you misinterpreted my statement.
I can understand that. Although I can cite a lot of other Spotlights here at NE that gave me mixed feelings.
I was just using them as examples of what would happen if we held a strictly elitist view. I don't think Spotlights should be glass ceilings. If a non-parkmaker makes a good park and I like it, why shouldn't it be a Spotlight? It's like people are clamoring for a perfect park, and only that can be a Spotlight. If you're always looking for that, you'll be looking for a while. Frankly, I think that sometimes, some people have too high of a standard. Going back to Posix's comments, if I judged every park according to "our" definition of great, very few parks would ever be released. And then people would start getting discouraged, thinking it's not worth it. And then either they'd leave and go to other sites, or they'd stay but not do much.
Now I've always been an honest guy, so I'll be brutally honest. With the exception of X-Sector, Slob, and John, I don't think any of the people who've commented "negatively" about this Spotlight can match Artist's quality. And it is MY OPINION that if you can't do better than a certain park, you cannot truly criticize its merit. Now, I'm not saying you can't criticize it period, but I don't think you can genuinely debate quality until you've reached quality. It would be like me trying to critique architecture with the likes of Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Mies Van Der Rohe. Yeah, I can indicate my opinions, but I can't expect to have my arguments hold any serious weight.
So basically, if you're just expressing an opinion on the park, that's fine. That wasn't aimed at you. But if you're questioning MY judgment, then that's just silly.
How's that for an elitist statement (since so many people seem to hold an elitist view on the Spotlight)?
EDIT: Hey, ya know what? I really want cg? to post his comments. In fact, I'm really anticipating his response.
PS ^well put cork....and you can critique architecture with me anytime...though it sounds like you have different tastes than me (I don't like Corbu or Mies....I can deal with some FLW though...I prefer more along the lines of Palladio and a lot of stuff done by McKim, Mead, and White)
Corkscrewed Offline
Palladio I know. Don't recognize the others, though I assume they're a firm. I actually have two levels of taste in architecture. I have the "famous" stuff that is universally regarded as "great" and some of which I like, and then I have "common" stuff, like resort architecture and retail stuff and general works that probably won't be remembered 50 years from now, at least not architecturally.
PS this is just me being pissed about knowing I'll never win spot
The problem for me is that I only really like about 50% of the park. I don't like your architecture very much and find it very repetitive with only the colours and textures changing. Nothing in either this or BGE captures the atmosphere of the themes you're attempting here. When I look around the park, I find myself often varying between thinking 'that's nice' and 'that doesn't work for me at all'. The coaster line up is actually pretty good, but there wasn't one coaster that I really wanted to watch more than once. When I find a truly great coaster, I find myself watching it over and over and over again. They kind of hypnotize me. I'm not a big fan of the bright colours in Calypso Cove, but that's a personal preference. I do like the colour scheme of Watermelon Valley, it was very original and well put together. However, even that area lacked any magic for me. I didn't like the architecture on the factory and thought it was rather sloppy and random, and the watercoaster was lacking water imo. I'm not gonna sit here and critique the park forever tho. Hell, at least you can finish something (2 parks in such a short period of time) whereas I've been sitting on IOA for 2 years, so congrats on that. I don't think the parkmaker spot is unwarranted and I expect to see a lot of improvement from you in your next park. I wouldn't have given the park a Spotlight tho if it were my call. Fortunately for you, It isn't my call
As for the spotlight question. I have talked a little to Iris about my thoughts. I honestly feel that Spotlight should be reserved for parks that have an obvious brilliance to them. If you open the park up and have to think about it, then it shouldn't win. If this means that there is no spotlight for 6 months, then so be it. If it means that there are four in four weeks, because that many amazing parks are submitted, then so be it. Spotlight should be the ultimate park achievement and I think by giving the award away too easily it tarnishes that achievement. In Corky's opinion this park was worthy and I respect that, but I hate to see it being awarded because it's the best park submitted in the last 4 months. It may be the best you see for 4 more months, but that still doesn't make it worthy of Spotlight.
Congrats Chris, and I do look forward to seeing more parks from you in the future. You'll probably release at least 6 more before IOA is done.
Anyway, congrats on both SRU and now this Spotlight, Chris. I'll take a look at the park later. I've already turned RCT2 off for the night.