Park / Busch Gardens LA

Park_1348 Busch Gardens LA


  • Themeparkmaster%s's Photo
    Some of you may remember me advertising this park a few months ago, well since then I have taken a long break from RCT (not for the first time 8@ ) due to, well, being bored of the game to be honest. Work on the park gradualy grinded to a halt for a good few months. So I have finaly decided to call it a day and release it unfinished.

    Busch Gardens LA - TPM

    But, I will be back for H2H3 re-freshed and fighting for a parkmaker spot I have been after for a long time. One day my time will come, but for now this is all I have to offer.

    This is a Loopy Landscapes park
  • artist%s's Photo
    This park is great even though it is unfinished.

    Worth a download people!
  • gymkid dude%s's Photo
    I am really impressed by the rides. The corkscrew is brilliantly laid out, and brilliantly themed. The rapids were a tad short, although I liked the copper head snake. The inverts ending was great. Your architecture and foliage were also nice.

    Too bad its not finished, but a good glimpse to see what I expect in h2h3...shouldnt be TOO bad with fatha and x :-/.
  • gir%s's Photo
    Well done! :D The rapids were my favorite, they were so realistic. I can't wait until H2H3!
  • posix%s's Photo
    Themeparkmaster, I'm glad to hear from you again. I was worried you had left forever.
    And while I was reading the first half of your post I thought you were going to announce your retirement in the other half. I'm positively surprised of the opposite. You'd deserve to be a parkmaker since you've tried to become one for so long.

    The park wasn't really to my liking but that doesn't matter.
    Just one well meant advice. Don't rip off RRP's rapids. It just doesn't suit you to rip off others' ideas.
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    Wow man, I gotta give ya props on that park.
    My favorite part was the river rapids, I really liked how you made it invisable and themed it very well.
    The coaster was awsome and also themed well, same with everything else.

    I really wish you would have finished that park, it would have had good chance at a Spotlight. :D
  • gir%s's Photo

    Just one well meant advice. Don't rip off RRP's rapids. It just doesn't suit you to rip off others' ideas.[/font]

    I didn't think he ripped them off. The ending of the ride was so realistic it wasn't funny. First, you have the "wet building" where you'd probably get drenched with water, and then it comes right up next to the waterfall after you get out. I was really impressed by that, classic.
  • Steve%s's Photo
    The rapids were very well done, as others have said. I loved the copperhead snake, great idea. The invert was very classy, and great ending too. Overall, it seemed like it would have been awesome if finished. Looking forward to your work in H2H3.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Indulge me here, just a little. The file is down (some weird service thing in the zip file) so could someone who has it AIM me with it? (even if it says i'm away, i'm probably not).



    Thanks DJ! TPM - it's such a shame you cancelled this, especially when I liked that entry building to Morocco so much (with the raised roman wall border). I'm sure your Killers park will be brilliant, because it's such a cool and interesting theme. This was a great showcase of your work, though, and i'll be looking at that other thread with great interest.
  • Themeparkmaster%s's Photo
    This is a long shot...but does anyone have a copy of this? I have zero RCT files on this laptop and wont be able to access any of my old stuff until I'm back at home in 3 weeks. Thanks!
  • geewhzz%s's Photo
    TPM did you ever get the file for this?
  • Ozone%s's Photo
    TPM got it when he went back 3 weeks later; I know because I asked him for it and he sent it to me.

    Here, I'll upload it so that this is up to date if anyone wants it!

    Attached File  Busch_Gardens_LA___TPM.SV4 (335.05KB)
    downloads: 204