Park / NE's Florencia Valley
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The first of NE's so called 'wannabe collaborations', this park was a chance for 6 improving designers to stake their claim on a parkmaker spot. Starting with Stargazer's entrance, the park then moved to mantis, who passed it on to Coasterct Nick. Next up was OZONE, followed by Sanctuary and, finally, Blitz-sama. After the final touches, Florencia Valley was ready for the community, and you can find out more about the motivation and inspiration for each area straight from the creators themselves. So read on and enjoy this first non-parkmaker collaboration to be officially released at New Element!
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Blitz Offline
Butterfinger Offline
I am not going to go into great detail, I am just rather lazy right now. This is however probably my favorite NE collabo believe it or not. Yes, great work guys.
Blitz Offline
mantis Offline
Or maybe he just thinks Blitz is hot and wants any chance he can get
Blitz Offline
mantis Offline
Blitz Offline
*hugs mantis*
so soft...
*freaks you out*
Ablaze Offline
That's very nice to hear Butter
bokti Offline
Tony Offline
Blitz Offline
*bear hugs j00 too*
Pym Guy Offline