Park / Rocky Mountain Mystique
26-October 05
- Views 11,742
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- Fans 6
- Comments 40
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Cocoa 95% no csw 95% no Kumba 90% no MCI 90% no Stoksy 90% no Fisch 85% no Poke 85% no Liampie 80% no Xeccah 80% no 5dave 75% no 86.88% 0.00% -
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The list of likes is huge seriously but off the top of my head the ones that stick out the most are. . .
The spinning mouse cart on a wooden coaster track, i loved that. Plus the whole area around it, so much detail and it was well thought out.
The atmosphere, it just engulfs you and won't let go lol.
The classic ghost train that follows the mine train round the track, absolute genius.
The different contrasts of areas suit really well.
I loved the landscaping as a whole, i did'nt think you could fault it.
The mixture of styles and colours in the first area also made me smile.
The only thing i was'nt too fond on was some of the coasters.
As a whole it was very different to other spotlights which is great and it was good to see such a heavily themed park get such a good award.
Congrats man you deserved this alot.