Park / Rocky Mountain Mystique


  • inVersed%s's Photo
    I really enjoyed this park, it had some very quality archy, some very good rides, as well as some good detail. The only thing I didnt care for in this park is the cramming that seemed to come with this park, it was just a little to much for my likings. Still in all aspects the was a great park and a well deserved spotlight.

    Well done, JKay.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Congrats man, I knew you'd win! :D

    Wish I could see it, feedback once I can
  • makonix%s's Photo
    Congratulations man, I just downloaded your park and completely enjoyed, my favourite will probably be the middle area, urban style, I don't see many parks built in urban style these days

  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    ... only 22 (now 23) replies? :disgust:
  • X250%s's Photo
    24 now. 8@

  • trav%s's Photo
    You mean 25, right?
  • X250%s's Photo
    No, you take one off cos you never count the first post.

  • trav%s's Photo
    So it's 25 now then. Or is it 26, haha, or 27?! HAHA! YOU SEE! THIS IS THE QUESTION!!!!!
  • PBJ%s's Photo
    so many peeps are breathless about this park i think!!!

    this i nice piece of art JKay..
    befor i opened it... i took my sunglasses for the normal overload of colors!!!
    this time we see a complete different JKay IMO
    much black and brow... but e ik like it!
    the ghost-main-train-idea-hacking-thing was great... loved the idee behind it...

    hope to see more of you...

  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    well, i think i am ready to comment.

    I honestly don't know how to feel about this park. It's a wonderful park, very skilled, but it's just so damn busy! I felt like I couldn't really concentrate on one thing and really absorb it, if you know what I mean. with so much 'activity' in the park, it got very distracting. aside from all that, this really is a wonderful park. many great ideas, like, as said before, that ghost mine train hack. And WME's coaster was awesome. All of the coasters were very fun, even the side friction coasters, which i thought were one of the best parts of the park. however, i think too much of the park was brown and gray. It's kind of hard to see how someone who uses so much color can make such a huge area that is mostly those two colors.

    anyway, it's a great park, and an amazing feat, so congratulations on the spotlight, jkay.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    I got my act together and re-installed rct2 to have a look at this. Hmm. I love parts of it, I absolutely detest other parts.
    My least favourite aspect of the park: coasters. You're great with the little attractions, the flatrides etc, but when it comes to full-fledged coasters...well, let's just say that, excluding that wonderful mine train, I think they're pretty bad. Fuego had absolutely no focus whatsoever - why let an awesome station setup like that be ruined by a what-the-hell-is-going-on layout? A nice first inversion then, uh, let's tour around a bit, uh, and a bit more, and, uh, oh a corkscrew, then maybe go really slowly for a bit, loop!!, tunnel, MINI COBRA ROLL, then sloooooow...yeah you get my point hopefully. Also with the duelers, why on earth construct an awesome first peak/drop and then kill it with a single bit of brake underneath? What a waste. Practise, I guess. Just practise.
    Theming/buildings lovely as usual - I don't mind how busy the thing is - it gives me more to look at. Who ever complained that Cydonia City was too busy? Whoever it was was an idiot.
    Congratulations on the spotlight, just PLEASE make some nicer coasters in future!

    (and no i'm not going to forget WME as I always do, that coaster kicked ass).
  • Evil WME%s's Photo

    (and no i'm not going to forget WME as I always do, that coaster kicked ass).

    View Post

    Mantis didn't forget me! mantis didn't forget me! *hugs mantis*.

    Come on people, so much to comment on and so little comments?!
  • hobbes%s's Photo
    I viewed it, but didn't love it.
    It definately is a wonderful park, and showcases JKay's talent, but I really couldn't get into the colors and jam-packed-ness of it all.

    There were definately many things about the park I enjoyed, but overall, this isn't a style I like.
    Sorry JKay. Good work, just not for me.
  • supertrooper%s's Photo

    I viewed it, but didn't love it.
    It definately is a wonderful park, and showcases JKay's talent, but I really couldn't get into the colors and jam-packed-ness of it all.

    There were definately many things about the park I enjoyed, but overall, this isn't a style I like.
    Sorry JKay. Good work, just not for me.

    View Post

    My thoughts exactly. The park definately showed skill, but it honestly did make my head hurt while looking at it. Others say that there are "so many little things to discover" within the park, but I got irritated trying to search them out. I won't comment on the coaster design, because...really, what else can be said? I can see why others may rave over this park, but it just isn't my cup of tea...a little to much caffeine for me.

  • cBass%s's Photo
    I just checked out the park again. What a glorious clusterfuck!

    Highlights: as I said before, the mine train thing. also, the old fashioned bumper cars, the go karts, the elevation changes, and all of the various bridges, especially the train bridges.

    Not-So-High-Lights: coasters, lack of atmosphere.

    One more nit to pick: I liked that you included a version of the park with peeps, but the park is hardly peep-friendly.

    Regardless, this was a very fun and refreshing park to explore. Keep 'em coming.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Sorry it took me so long to take a good look and post some feedback, but WOW what a park!

    I loved the Mine Districked, outstanding themeing there, one of the best areas I have ever seen. The dule was wacky and weird, but worked IMO, and I loved the entrance to its Q. Your coaster skills have improved, but are still not great or anything, id say your up to good tho, if I had to pick a best id ignore the ratings go with the mine train and that hack on it was awsome. WME's coaster was good for second best in the park, may have been first but I hate steap twisting drops... The urban area was awsome, I love the stage show you do and this was most likely your best yet, the chris-cross jumps owned. That little tropical area I did not care for that much, fairly dull compared to the rest of the park, still nice tho, but kinda blocky. The littel details you pack in are so much fun to discover, this is really close to what Mala does, just not as smooth, if you can narrow your textures a bit and space things a bit better you mite be able to make an even better park then this and that would be a real feat. One thing you do that im not to crazy about is use land textuses to much, like the brown wooden one, try to use scenery more if you can. I think the biggest step you took in this park was with its layout, I hated the layouts in your other parks coz of how square and flat they were, but here its like your a whole new parkmaker, you nailed the park layout like the ones from the past were done by someone else, its amazing how you have stepped up in that aspect and many others.

    Truely an amazing park, one of the best RCT has even seen, tho I still would say RoB is better, but this is about second IMO.

    Thank you for this park JKay,
    Kumba :smile:
  • JKay%s's Photo
    ^thanks Kumba. I'm glad you enjoyed the park!

    cBass - Thanks for feedback. Yours means a lot :D But I'm intrigued to know why its not peep-friendly? Have I not satisfied all the peeps little needs ??
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo


    Wow. That's a new one. :lol: :p
  • newk%s's Photo
    wow! the hacks were excellent, the ramping water boats thing was very cool, the themed areas were nice. it was really fun exploring through this park! there was one part though... this little area, a patch of green grass with this rocket in the middle and invisible paths... that was just really annoying for some reason...

    but anyway its a great park and i love Jkay's work. thanks!
  • ACEfanatic02%s's Photo
    All I can really say about this park is... it looks like a more colorful version of Snow Drop. Peep-friendly, hacked-out-the-ass coasters...

    I like.

    Though, personally, I prefer the more traditional parks, it's a... idk... FUN looking park.
