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  • geewhzz%s's Photo

    Columbus Cinema Matrix Entertainment Center

    NE Honorary Mention

    Game  RCT2        Submission Type  Spotlight        Creator  GigaG        Score  1.08       

    (Fast Aerial)

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    downloads: 282
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    i'm being completely serious now, and i don't want anyone to take this the wrong way. so, gigag,did you think you were going to get an accolade, and if so, why?
  • GigaG%s's Photo
    ^I had very little thought that this would become accolade.

    I could have made it better, I admit. It was originally a design. When I made it into a park, I had a very limited ride selection. Maybe I'll send this in again when I parkdat more rides into it. I like my roof architecture, though. I'm proud that I at least got my third submission in. And, it beats Colorado Confluence: Riverside Boardwalk for longest name.

    Edited by GigaG, 28 May 2010 - 01:52 PM.

  • turbin3%s's Photo
    If that is your aim, you should leave this site - in all respect.
    Don't understand, how someone can be proud of the longest name?

    And no, you didn't beat CC:RB in longest name, as your's didnt win.

    The worst accolade this year, I'm sorry.
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    I can't believe this had to be voted on. What a waste of time.
  • Cena%s's Photo
    Can we have a minimum score for Honorary Mention as well? 

    The worst accolade this year, I'm sorry.

    It isn't an accolade ;) 
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    I know my parks are crap, but this is filling up my database.
  • Jaguar%s's Photo

    Can we have a minimum score for Honorary Mention as well?

    This made me laugh, though that will never happen, because everyone should get a chance, if someone tried hard on a park, they should have the right to atleast have it displayed.
  • trav%s's Photo

    if someone tried hard on a park, they should have the right to atleast have it displayed.

    If someone tries hard on a park, it'd score above a certain threshold...
  • tdub96%s's Photo
    Alright, so the worst bronze is prod's WOP, ithink, and this doesnt even scratch the surface. it looks like you put 10 minutes, if even into this. this is sort of insulting to NE to have something like this sent in when there is the greatest RCT parks in the world on this site. trav, i cant agree more with you.
  • Jaguar%s's Photo

    If someone tries hard on a park, it'd score above a certain threshold...

    notice how I said SOMEONE, not everyone. I never said he tried hard on this park, and I do think that I could've done better when I was 6.
  • RamSam12%s's Photo

    Maybe I'll send this in again when I parkdat more rides into it.

    Please don't.

    Have a look around the bronze release page to get a feel for what your park will need to have at least to score an accolade. Good parks take time to build, most often a few months and several years in some cases too. Don't just build a park in one hour, send it in, and be all hurt when it doesn't score. Many of us will spend that much time on just getting a good ride layout, a hack, or a building structure. Think about that before you send anything else in.

    Edited by RamSam12, 30 May 2010 - 01:39 PM.

  • Cena%s's Photo

    Good parks take time to build, most often a few months and several years in some cases too.

    Decades in some cases, Fantasy from Levis and a park from Tyandor are nearing the decade I think ... Atleast half the dacade. 
  • trav%s's Photo

    notice how I said SOMEONE, not everyone. I never said he tried hard on this park, and I do think that I could've done better when I was 6.

    What? That makes no sense to what we were talking about. You said if someone tries hard on a park, it deserves to be noticed, and I'm saying I agree, but that if someone tries hard on a park, it'd automatically score above a certain threshold.
  • Levis%s's Photo
    I agree with cena here. can't we have a minimum for honorary mentions. if they dont meet the minimum they can still release the park themself in the release section right?
  • RamSam12%s's Photo

    What? That makes no sense to what we were talking about. You said if someone tries hard on a park, it deserves to be noticed, and I'm saying I agree, but that if someone tries hard on a park, it'd automatically score above a certain threshold.

    Have a look at honorary mentions by other members, like icollin's Disneyland Italy. Then look back at this. The difference between this and that is like the difference between a honorary mention and a spotlight, by no means fitting good in the same section. I believe that's what Cena means. Seems reasonable to me.
  • Themeparkmaster%s's Photo
    I personally think we should do away with them. There is enough of a back log on accolade releases as it is and we have the release forum anyway.

    This isn't down right terrible GigaG but you do have a lot of work to do. I strongly suggest taking everyones advice on board and spend a considerable amount of time on your next project.
  • trav%s's Photo

    Have a look at honorary mentions by other members, like icollin's Disneyland Italy. Then look back at this. The difference between this and that is like the difference between a honorary mention and a spotlight, by no means fitting good in the same section. I believe that's what Cena means. Seems reasonable to me.

    Yes...and I'm saying that I agree with him. Read what I actually put. Wow.
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    why are all the sub-par parks the most discussed?
  • tdub96%s's Photo
    this isnt even sub-par. this is build a coaster, scrap up a few buildings, and add a tree or two. It worse than the pre set scenarios.