Park / Busch Gardens San Simeon
25-December 05
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Like Phatage said the transitions were the main thing holding this back from being great. Each area was equally strong in architecture, colors, and all those sorts of things -- but it seemed that all of a sudden it "turned" into a new area. Spacing is the main thing that can help that.
But you are definitely a talented LL player and one of NE's strongest parkmakers. Looking forward to what you can pull together next.
My favorite area is definetly Manchu Picchu. The architecture, the composition, everything just works. I love those columns. I love the way the paths layer on top of one another. Amizonia is my other favorite area of the park. Great architecture, themeing and landscaping. You didn't take my suggestion for proper bridges I see, and this is why it's my second favorite area
This is a huge accomplishment Fatha'. Congradulations.
Fatha' Offline
Well, i wont speak on the "engaging" issue as thats a personal thing (IE nothing I can explain to u), but I will speak on the idea of negative space (Ride6 mentioned it as well). I dont make parks to be pieces of artworks, I make them (ESPECIALLY this one) to be representations of real life places and things. Artwork is meant to be fake, this is meant to look real. City of God, El Dorado, Machu Picchu, all are not built to be aestetically pleasing, but are built to take you to that place (while viewing the park).
Thats one thing im not big on, as I place more emphasis on the actual areas themselves. Plus, its quite hard (nearly impossible) to make a succesful transition between two vastly different areas (say El Dorado and COG, then COG to Galapagos). Basically, my train of thought is not to have you focus on whats in between the areas, but the areas themselves (unless some kind of attraction lies in between the areas).
Thats an interesting train of thought. I would probably need you to actually note some "imperfections" in say Mt. Sinister for me to best respond to this.
And as for Acangouga, I think its all relative. If that area is in Tropico Horizons, it doesnt let you down, but since its in BGSS, it does. Again, i would have revisited it had the game allowed, but since it didnt it is what it is.
PS Cork, wheres my walkthrough?
I am going to have to agree. The park compared to the screens was a big difference. The sections of the park to me didn't go well together. And the coaster's (Most important part... to me) didn't seem all that great. The area near the inverted didn't seem to be themed that well. I like alot of the hacks you did with the park though.
Corkscrewed Offline
Chill... brotha!
(It'll come when I get around to it. Haven't forgotten you.)
it's posix' NOCD guide, and it works like a charm. i suggest anyone who can't find their disk, but still have the game installed, to use it.
Now that I have your attention, could somebody please help me 'aquire' a copy of LL? My old copy doesnt work for some reason, I can only get AA working. :-(
Anyways you know what I think, I was pretty much the only tester not doing backflips over the park, frontflips maybe, but I just thought it could have been better, more consistent and less cramped.
Overall id give it a 9.0 out of 10.0. Great park, but I still like DMM better
I was missing the original disc for RCT, but picked up a used copy very cheaply at EB Games.
Unfortunatly I dont have a credit card, and my rents would never pay for it on their cards either. They still believe anybody who purchases over the net is instantly a victim of hax0rz.
Corkscrewed Offline
lol internet
If there was, I think LL parks would get a LOT more downloads these days.
The only "way" to do this is to load a .sv4 file in the scenario editor.
Then you get to look at a LL park without any rides and most of the building roof and wall textures missing.