When I last cleaned out my SV4s I stumbled over this coaster by BlindGuardian in one of his unfinished parks from ages ago. I liked the layout and thought of making a design out of it. This is the result. I did it in two days and without too much dedication. It's nothing special by any means. Just consider it as "a little something".
Hmm. I really didn't like the colours of the coaster - I only like white rails in very specific circumstances, and to be honest I thought they really didn't work here.
My favourite parts of the park were the outcrops at the edges. The 'themed' area was bland and uninspiring. Those outcrops look monumental, though. Great work on those.
Richie Offline
My favourite parts of the park were the outcrops at the edges. The 'themed' area was bland and uninspiring. Those outcrops look monumental, though. Great work on those.
Richie Offline
sorry for going a lil' off topic, youmay shoot me now
The screen looks really cool btw,
How did you get the text yellow for the windows??