Park / Watkins Woods Amusement Park
01-July 07
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It´s not my type of park (too `clean`for my favourite likings), and I was not taken away by the coasters (which you commented on already to on other comments), and a bit more landscaping might have been exciting for us viewers -while most RL parks indeed don´t have it - but......
What a park!!!
What a lovely new details you brewed out there, and with what a creativity!!
So many things that look simple in their result, but OMG how much thinking and cheating they will have cost.....
And what a great, balanced-out thing the whole park is, and what an eye for detail....
It´s a joy to go through it, -I lingered a loooong time in there and am sure I will go back again- and no doubt (imo) it´s Spotlight-worthy!!!
So congrats and welcome to the club!
Amongst many smaller things, I particularly am impressed by how you executed your stadiums, very convincing/realistic and better than I ever saw them (apart from Steve´s PT one, but that was another scale and another technique).
I already used some of it´s ideas in one of the stadiums in my Music Masters Parks, but don´t worry, by far nothing like copying them, just incorporating some of your idea´s and gratefully making use of them in my so different own style.... if I may...
Anyway, thanks for making this great and special park,
looking forward to more,
And I hope to have another park going soon. Every time I look at this, I notice a lot of things that in missed in terms of small and large detail... so hopefully the next park can be even more detailed!
Every day i open this park and look at it whether it be the "peepable" version or not this is by far my favourite park. The coaster Fusion is definitely my favourite because i am a lover of big drops on coasters. I also like the ride because of the terrain interaction, i mean seriously it goes up a mad lift hill then it twists and turns it's way around a mountain thingy majigy. The colour are great and everything else is cool, especially the colours and the station.
Another coaster i liked is Venom. like you said in the readme thing for the park, how this would be the coaster that you wolud want to ride most of the day, i wolud agree. it is a great coaster and it interacts with the ground well and how the trees are placed out and the station and transfer track station all makes up the excellence of this coaster.
Blaze is agreat coaster that i could watch over and over again continuously because of the layout and the way it has the mountainside in the background. I also like the way that it goes ove the path like that and how it interacts with the two building and the spinning cups i think it is.
Avalanche is short but thrilling. I never did figure out how you made the vertical lift hill for the ride but it stills makes me happy. The layout of the ride is special too me because of how it twists and turns through out the entire ride. The station is also very unique as to how the colours come to you i dont know.
The woodie, Big dipper, is not that special but looks to prove as a fun ride in real life, which is what i think you were trying to achieve. the layout is different to most woodies that i have ever seen for a woodie, but then again how old is the ride!
Storm is a great starter rid efor the young ones if they are seeking adventure in the future. the ride has a lovely little station and the layout is just there to make people smile.
Speedway is not the thrilling but would still be entertaining to ride condireing a backwards loop. the way that is built in the fair section is very strange because personally i dont think it fits in but the way it has the viewing platform and the fair fries right by it make it special.
Siege is a cool coaster also espicially how it does the in-line teist over the foot path and the terrain interaction in the finalle makes it special(the footpath tunnel really kicks ass!) The ride itself has a very unique layout and i can imagine myself riding it plenty of times.
Rustler is not that good in my opinion, personally it's a bit bland how it just drops and turns, drops and turns over and over again. although i do like the sation and the queue line that you have built for it.
Cottonmouth Falls, Hydor surge and airboat chaser are all very good water rides and each has their own special something about them. although CF is definitely my clear favourite among the three though.
Now back to my peepable version of the park. to me a park with no peeps is a waste of time, but that's just me. So what did i do? i rebuilt every single ride in the exact some palce as it once stood so that the peeps could ride something. many challenges rose such as when building back Big dipper i did not know how to get rid of the invisible path so i retrace back the path and in about an hour i had it done. other problems included guests being hungry from the no food and drink shops so there went another hour or so. tunnels had to be made for the guest to find their way around the park but Fusion was the biggest problem.
The ride had broken down with a station brakes failure stopping me from deleting the hacke tracks as i t just kept oing through over and over again. in about 2 hours i had hand clicked back every bit of track to rebuild the park.
As you can tell this is my most loved park ever made in a RCT series and will probably play it every day.
And when a firus stopped RCT2 from working my eyes filled with tears when i thought all that hard work gone.
Cedarpoint 6 you are a hero in my eyes and i give this park a 15/10 for your work and scenery touches.
By the way when i first loaded this park i did not extract the data folder correctly and i was so angry when after two weeks i realised that's why it was broken.
and since i never gave my opinon.
this park is great.
and i LOVE all the details
Since finding WW I'm a lot more confident with the game - that's why I finally signed up to NE. I really want to work hard and become a part of this awesome community even though I've got a long way to go!
Thank you CP6, you've made a young geek/girl (in that order) very happy!
*runs off to finish his parks*
Oh, and welcome to the world of NE Daisy!
Well, I just built a park that made me happy... and realistic stuff tends to do that.
If other people are enjoying it, that's a bonus. Thanks for the positive comments-- glad people have liked the park!
Ok, I'll stop now. (But seriously, you're my new idol
Yeah the park is great and partly due to it's simplicity, but I still beat it for park of the year and won parkmaker of the year, so you can have the girl Brian
FullMetal Offline
EDIT: And I never got that Parkmaker spot you promised me, seeing as how you won Parkmaker of the Year and all...