Park / Watkins Woods Amusement Park
01-July 07
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Corkscrewed Offline
Definitely less so in Britain, but in the U.S., that setting is certainly not a stretch. Especially the flatness (you might have somewhat of a point if you're arguing that if there are woods around so close, it shouldn't be flat, but I'm still inclined to disagree).
Also, if you look at the park he's basing it off, Geauga Lake, you'll see it's mostly surrounded by forest.
Also congrats on the Parkmaker spot. Well deserved!
James - rctnw
Yes I agree with you. All I was saying was that the park was great but would have been greater with more variation in the landscape
FullMetal Offline
I absolutly loved the park! I really hate to say this, knowing that Kumba is the Admin, but this park trumps DRC 5 times over. The landscaping, I will agree, was a little flat, but have you ever been to a themepark full of hills? It makes getting from one ride to the next a pain in the ass.
The coasters were great, but the placement of some could be better, IMO. (An X-car coaster right next to the picnic grove? That kinda ruins the peaceful lunch experience.)
I also loved how well you encourporated the themes without making them seem overbearing. You know you've entered the bayou by the style of archy and the rides, but it's not a drastic change, like going from the a deep jungle, to an old western town. I think you could've varied the paths up a little bit more, like in the farm-ish section, but overall, it was a great park.
I'll be looking forward to DLing more of your work!
I agree this is a better overall park then DRC. Id only take my park over it when it comes to theming (duh) and creativity, but not the important stuff like flow and atmosphere where my ass has been kicked. I won't call it the best park ever for the simple fact that it's an amusement park and they can only be so good. For what this park was imo it was perfect and only less then RoB when it comes to that. I think what makes it so great is what imo makes all parks great, attention to details. Examples: DA/SL, Erwindale, RoB, Mala stuff and X250's more recent stuff. So for these reasons I feelt this park was very worthy of NE Spotlight.
Id comment more, however I did write the whole Spotlight page so I'll leave it at this and once again say congrats to CP6 for an outstanding park... Now to start making your NE Parkmaker page
Why is this a spotlight?
The coasters (as Fatha' ranted about) are (mostly) nothing special... My main beef there was that most of them (Blaze, Lighting & Avalanche being the exceptions) were too damn slow. Even fusion crested the big hills with less and 30mph in most (in not all) cases. That wouldn't provide much for airtime or thrills; why then would it make a great ride?
The architecture, while serving it's purpose, doesn't dazzle. The landscaping, while there, is transparent to the feel of the park. Sure I can picture myself in the park easily, and it's atmosphere vaguely reminds me of Cedar Point or my distant memories of the Sea World side of Geauga Lake; however, that doesn't warrant the spotlight honor.
A SRU would've been completely appropriate here I think. A parkmaker spot is almost a given with a park of this size, quality, and careful construction. Don't get me wrong, it's a fine park; just not a spotlight in my eyes. Not to say that a realistic park will never be worthy. Quite the contrary; I believe that geewhzz, RCTFan, and CP6 are all capable of creating spotlight worthy parks without really compromising their style. I just don't think this was it.
Really the only thing I want to address there is the speed of the coasters. I think they were all fine. Coasters are not supposed to fly over the hills like that you're implying they should. I mean look at Fusion's g-force stats. -1.8 far exceeds what most Intamins would produce on a hill as I've designed. In my opinion there should be a noticeable difference in speed between the top and bottom of hills. I'm quite happy with the speed of the coasters.
Glad you liked the part!
It definitely deserves the spotlight status and as someone else already stated it is, in points of quality, one of the best parks ever created. Your attention to details, the indoor theming and the realistic aspects in this park are great. Congrats on making such a great park.
Still I have to say that this park was not made for me. I enjoyed looking at it and had fun exploring it, but as it is a realistic park I tried to look at it from the guests' point of view. This is a personal thing, but if I visited this park I would have ended up riding the Intamin all day long and maybe the interactive Sally. The Schwarzkopf rides are a nice addition to the park, but all in all the park doesn't offer a lot of rides I would really like to ride more than once or twice. In my opinion that just isn't enough for a big park, but this is highly based on my personal likes in dislikes.
The quality of the park is great nontheless and the spotlight very well deserved. Nice to see another coaster fan getting a parkmaker spot. Hopefully we will see some more of your work soon.
As for the coaster line up, since this is a “realistic” park, I asked myself if I could imagine a beemer or other modern coaster in the place if what was there and the answer for me was yes. To fit this style of park, you would have needed traditional coaster layouts with something you could see in RL. With that said, the coaster line up did not bother me.
Again, great work CP and I look forward to seeing more creations from you.
James - rctnw
That's because the pacing on Fusion was quite odd... I would say poor but it's not really. But if anything it goes over the bunny-hops at the end TOO FAST. They'd be supreme ejector-seat airtime while the other hills in the first half (despite what the game does to doesn't indicate about them) are too slow to generate even proper floater airtime with the possible exceptions being the front or rear-most cars (because they crest the hill at higher speeds).
100 post!
the same in LL!
I can`t wait to see the PT parks!