Park / The Rock

Park_1211 The Rock


This park shares comments with 67 other parks(View Parks)
  • Doc%s's Photo

    ^you just wanna be a staff member........

    Do you know something I don't know...?

    Have I missed something here...?
  • John%s's Photo

    Ah well, it's something we'll have to agree to disagree with in that case.

    Like I say, there's nothing wrong with experimentation. Why not give members a try at voting for Spotlight. I seriously doubt we'd make a drastically bad choice.

    Well, that kind of eliminates the purpose of it. Then we would know all the competition and have downloaded all the parks... thus taking away from the showcase of the park and runner-ups.

    But that's just me.
  • Doc%s's Photo

    Ah well, it's something we'll have to agree to disagree with in that case.

    Like I say, there's nothing wrong with experimentation. Why not give members a try at voting for Spotlight. I seriously doubt we'd make a drastically bad choice.

    Well, that kind of eliminates the purpose of it. Then we would know all the competition and have downloaded all the parks... thus taking away from the showcase of the park and runner-ups.

    But that's just me.

    Actually John, that's a very good point - and one that I foolishly neglected to think of. Maybe one way to get around that would be for Iris to invite a panel of randomly selected judges to download and judge each park, then choose a winner.
  • sircursealot%s's Photo
    I really liked the five panel judging setup used in Hi Rollers. It should be iris, Raven, NE staff writer, Coaster Ed, and mantis. Pretty knowledgeable panel... but iris is usually right...
  • Micool%s's Photo
    What is this? A tea party?

    Back to the flaming! :w00t:

    On a side note, I do have something to add to this:

    A dictatorship is not something that is hypothetically a good thing because it gives an individual or a group of individuals unchecked power...IE Saddam, Hitler, Dan, etc. iris has that kind of power but he doesn't abuse it and therefore I don't mind. He listens to the members and talks to basically all of them. He even posts threads that say "what should I do next" or "what do you think of this" etc... some of the members here just aren't the kind of people you'd want voting on a spotlight or selecting a parkmaker, etc.

    Besides, you can flame iris, and he'll just flame you back.

    Whereas, at DNet, or, or Facist Germany, you'd get banned.
  • iris%s's Photo
    Doc, I think lots of stuff is run here democratically.
    H2H2, Park Wars, Survivor, Quest for the Best, etc.
    Some stuff isn't though, like Spotlights, Runner Ups, and The List (which is just my personal top 50 parks...wouldn't make much sense to have "my personal top 50 parks voted by everyone"...since it wouldn't be "my personal")

    And no, Im not the only judge of these contests.
    Different parkmakers will cycle judging duties throughout the mini contests, and then we will have a panel of 5 judges once again to vote on the winner. Not exactly a dictatorship imo, but I do see your point.

    You're all banned.
  • Doc%s's Photo
    Ok, you have some fair points there (especially the last line ;)X )

    I've said my piece, but I'm not one to disrespect those in authority, so GO IRIS :hottie:
  • John%s's Photo

    You're all banned.

    Now THAT would ROYALLY suck... ;)... getting banned before my first competition ever.
    Especially because I am 50% done with the hotel, and it is awesome. lol
  • Kevin%s's Photo

    Especially because I am 50% done with the hotel, and it is awesome. lol

    I am 10% done....and it officialy sucks.

    Kraken :et:
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    I've decided not to enter the hotel one. I'll win a contest later on instead, I have some amazing ideas for one or two of them.
  • Outlaw%s's Photo

    Now THAT would ROYALLY suck... ;)... getting banned before my first competition ever.
    Especially because I am 50% done with the hotel, and it is awesome. lol

    no weigh man my hotels r teh best not exaktly my view but wut ppl hav toll me ova the i just put it a RAPIDS!!1! as a lazy river arond my hotel...its easily teh best in the hole contest!

  • sircursealot%s's Photo

    Now THAT would ROYALLY suck... ;)... getting banned before my first competition ever.
    Especially because I am 50% done with the hotel, and it is awesome. lol

    Shut it, Kumba!

    However, unlike Kumba, John actually has *gasp* talent to back him up.
  • Outlaw%s's Photo
    I concur, sircurse.
  • John%s's Photo

    Now THAT would ROYALLY suck... ;)... getting banned before my first competition ever.
    Especially because I am 50% done with the hotel, and it is awesome. lol

    no weigh man my hotels r teh best not exaktly my view but wut ppl hav toll me ova the i just put it a RAPIDS!!1! as a lazy river arond my hotel...its easily teh best in the hole contest!


    LMAO... I feel so violated. How dare you insult me like that... I mean, come on, confidence IS way different than arrogance. ;)

    I mean, I am on such a lower level compared to Kumba, he EVEN HAS the BEST triple interlocking corkscrews EVER!!
    HOW can I beat that? :p
  • Micool%s's Photo
    John has no talent. :xmas:
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    yhe my htoel will wni.

    Oh wait, I'm not entering that one anymore..... :(
  • sloB%s's Photo
    busiest topic evar.

    anyways, bet yall forgot about me.

    I'm being strategic about this, I plan on entering in the contests I expect to have the least competition. I'm definltey not entering in either one too. Ill pick like 3 tops and do them to the best of my ability and take my time.
  • mantis%s's Photo

    yhe my htoel will wni.

    Oh wait, I'm not entering that one anymore..... :(

    Liar :D

    And how about we do what Doc said and...oops...Spotlight's turned into VPotM, which hasn't existed for the past month and a half. w00t!

    /me's up for judging some of these...
  • John%s's Photo

    John has no talent. :xmas:

    Thanks for the support. I <3 Micool. :p
  • Brent%s's Photo
    I'd say I'm roughly 40% done with my first entry. But the question is, what weekly entry is it for?

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