Park / Julius Ceaser

Park_1210 Julius Ceaser


This park shares comments with 67 other parks(View Parks)
  • v1perz%s's Photo
    Those rapids were really cool. However, Gymkid's entry made me raise my eyebrows. Can it really be considered a rapids ride? It uses rapids track, but dingy cars. A rapids ride is partially defined by its cars, the circular shape and stuff. If you change the cars, do you change the ride? Is a multi-dimension coaster still a m-d coaster if it uses stand up cars with m-d track? What do you all think. However, it was a kickass ride, great hacking Gymkid.

    My personal pick for master of hacks for this round, tho, goes to Kumba. There are just so many small hacks that are sooo cool in his park. Gtreat entry Kumba.

    VooDoo. What can i say. That was one of the coolest rapids ever. Scenery in some parts seemed slightly forced, but it was just so long that there had to be a part you liked.

    Thats all for me.

    <------ Wow. I reached 100 posts without 1 spam. Ever. I thought i would definitely spam by now lol.
  • Alec%s's Photo
    Eh..I can't do this. I really should finish Madrone and become a parkmaker, even thought I could dominate this. So..good luck to all who are in.
  • Critic%s's Photo
    The NE Member Themed Ride will be VERY interesting to see what people come up with.

  • Titan%s's Photo
    ^ Yeah... I didn't get mine finished... :(
  • thorpedo%s's Photo
    I don't think I'll be entering either. Which is sad. Unless a miracle happens. I never get anything finished on time. :'(

    But I've already started the alien stuff, so maybe I'll enter that one.
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    I've finished and sent my entry... prepare for some explosing stuff!
    Iris, did you received it (I've got sometimes trouble sending those parks)...
    I'm looking forward to this one!!

  • Leighx%s's Photo
    yeah i cant wait to se these either. be unusual to see wat people do?.
  • \/\/33/\/\an%s's Photo

    The NE Member Themed Ride will be VERY interesting to see what people come up with.


    Yes it will be. Something mind blowing? :X
  • Nic%s's Photo
    This is a really "pro" tour...
  • iris%s's Photo
    Yes, I know.
  • Critic%s's Photo
    How much longer are we to wait? I'm hoping not too long, I'm eager.

  • Outlaw%s's Photo
    Well, seeing as how they're not due until the end of the night, I'm gonna say sometime later on tomorrow night.
  • artist%s's Photo
    Does any one know who entered the NE member contest i know Kumba and w33man have but anyone else?

    ~nemesis chris~
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    coasterkidmwm did one on Ryan122. that should be hilarius!!!!! :lol:

    And then comes my first shot at entry: The Adventure Ride :bandit:

    Let's just say i got creative with my buddy 8-cars 1.21 :p

  • Critic%s's Photo
    My impatience is killing me.... 8@

    I can't wait to see the one on Ryanb122. Should be great. XD
  • \/\/33/\/\an%s's Photo

    Does any one know who entered the NE member contest i know Kumba and w33man have but anyone else?

    ~nemesis chris~

    I didnt! Who told you i did? I'm not gonna enter any of them, most likely. Do to the fact that my current project is taking all of my time and various other games.

    Are the 3rd round parks gonna be announced today?
  • artist%s's Photo

    Does any one know who entered the NE member contest i know Kumba and w33man have but anyone else?

    ~nemesis chris~

    I didnt! Who told you i did? I'm not gonna enter any of them, most likely. Do to the fact that my current project is taking all of my time and various other games.

    Are the 3rd round parks gonna be announced today?

    well i heard that you were..My bad.

    ~nemesis chris~
  • Marshy%s's Photo

    Does any one know who entered the NE member contest i know Kumba and w33man have but anyone else?

    ~nemesis chris~

    I didnt! Who told you i did? I'm not gonna enter any of them, most likely. Do to the fact that my current project is taking all of my time and various other games.

    Are the 3rd round parks gonna be announced today?

    Awwwww,....I was hoping you had entered :(
  • artist%s's Photo

    Does any one know who entered the NE member contest i know Kumba and w33man have but anyone else?

    ~nemesis chris~

    I didnt! Who told you i did? I'm not gonna enter any of them, most likely. Do to the fact that my current project is taking all of my time and various other games.

    Are the 3rd round parks gonna be announced today?

    Awwwww,....I was hoping you had entered :(

    yeah me too.

    Say if you did enter who would you do i would do VooDoo.

    ~nemesis chris~
  • Titan%s's Photo
    I have a feeling I should have finished mine... It was gonna be called "Trojan Platypus" and have every building look the same, and be on a rocky island... :D

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