Park / Journey Through Mikrat Springs

Park_1184 Journey Through Mikrat Springs


This park shares comments with 67 other parks(View Parks)
  • John%s's Photo
    Slob, stop being such a douchebag all the time.
    Just because you copy off me all the time doesn't make you better.
    I mean, seriously. If you beat me, it's like me beating myself.
    I'm sick of you whoring off my style. Get your own, bitch.
  • Steve%s's Photo
    settle down ladies... ;)
    cant wait too see what the pro tour cooks up, voodoo, john, slob and all the other big names are gonna be a pain in the ass to judge...

    good luck guys
  • sloB%s's Photo
    Me copying your style?!

    Maybe if you got your own style and stopped ripping off other people, our
    work wouldn't look so similiar.

    Just shutup. I've had enough of your bullshit.
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo

    The Official Pro Tour will start in 2 weeks.
    All details will be revealed then.

    Two days! :bring it:

    :bring it:
    Can't wait to see what the actul pro tour produces. :D
  • Micool%s's Photo

    Me copying your style?!

    Maybe if you got your own style and stopped ripping off other people, our
    work wouldn't look so similiar.

    Just shutup. I've had enough of your bullshit.

    I was wondering John's premise myself.
  • artist%s's Photo

    Me copying your style?!

    Maybe if you got your own style and stopped ripping off other people, our
    work wouldn't look so similiar.

    Just shutup. I've had enough of your bullshit.

    I honestly dont think john rips off other peoples styles he has a type of style that people can regonise that he has built it.

    And if he did rip of other peoples work how comes he is second to be parkmaker?

  • TsUnamI%s's Photo
    Pro Tour begins Tomorrow! :scarface:
  • artist%s's Photo
    Are you sure?

  • x-sector%s's Photo

    Pro Tour begins Tomorrow! :scarface:

    well that clears up my question that I was going to ask :)
  • Toon%s's Photo
    maybe :!!:
  • Pym Guy%s's Photo
    How about, let's say, they both whored off of Foozy's style.
  • artist%s's Photo
    ^well i have seen bits and bobs of johns new park and his style has devolped into something that doesnt look nothing like foozy`s work.

  • Janus%s's Photo
    To bring this back to topic, I'm really looking forward to this contest and I'm hoping for some great little whatever-you-are-supposed-to-build-thingies!
    Just a bit sad I couldn't participate in this, when it started I didn't have the skills, time nor confidience to enter anything. Now I've got the time, and it's too late...
  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo
    I'm anticipating this as well. I think there are some underdogs involved that some of you over-confident people may have to look out for.. it's pretty obvious who they are too! But in the end I'm really looking forward to the entries of...

  • deanosrs%s's Photo

    If he does rct2 again, and completes an entry, i shall be :birthday2:
  • Turtleman%s's Photo
    Hopefully we will start a new topic for this. As I am already lost in this one.
  • Phatage%s's Photo

    ^well i have seen bits and bobs of johns new park and his style has devolped into something that doesnt look nothing like foozy`s work.


    To me it never did, in fact nobody's style could even begin to do so if one looks closely.
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    Pro Tour begins today! :scarface:
    Good luck to all who got in. :D
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    well i worked hard to get in, and i cant wait to see what lies ahead. I got some amazeing ideas and im gona be trying, not to beat a few parkmakers, not to be all the non-parkmakers, but to win this contest and the 100$. can i do it? odds are no, well make that a hell no, but i will try.

    If this ends up being a small park like Hi Rollers i could probley finish an entry at my best in a month, month in a half. I probly will wait and finish BP befor i start tho...

    so anyways bring it! :bring it:
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    Whatever Kumba. You've got a shot at parkmaker through this but I don't see you winning it. Not with Mala, Fatha', RRP, X-Sector, Natelox and others of that stature playing. I'm in the same boat really. I have a chance at 15th place, maybe. I'm just hoping to make it back on to that top 20 non-parkmaker list of Iris's.

    And like all of you I've gotten all kinds of idea of what I want to build, even if I fail in building it quite to my vision.


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