Park / Pharaoh
- 10-April 07
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63.13%(required: none) Design
inthemanual 75% ][ntamin22 70% Fisch 65% geewhzz 65% nin 65% Cocoa 60% csw 60% Liampie 60% MCI 60% 5dave 55% 63.13% - No fans of this park
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Kumba Offline
Ge-Ride Offline
Milo Offline
JDP Offline
lucas92 Offline
Kumba Offline
JJ Offline
Ge-Ride Offline
Gwazi Offline
Thanks everyone. Thanks to Kumba especially (As I'm sure you know why ). It feels good to finally get Design. I might give it another go (Only the standards are upped ).
Levis Offline
I wish I could get LL working to see it ingame .
posix Offline
yyo Offline
RCFanB&M Offline
It must be the 3rd's good to see that you're persistent, and that you really care about succeeding, and you finally did it. I'm not an expert on LL, so I'm not going to make a very constructive comment about the design...what I can say is that, aesthetically, it looks very nice, and with a very pleasant atmosphere. I like how the coaster interacts with its surroundings, and its layout looks flowing...ah, I wish I could see it in game.
Anyway, congrats again, and good luck with your next projects, which I'm looking forward to
gir Offline
Metropole Offline
Trajan Offline
geewhzz Offline
Xcoaster Offline