Park / Imperial Riyadh Resort
- 21-October 03
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When NE’s Pro Tour was announced, I was ecstatic to find out architecture would be included in the qualifying rounds. And after 10 days of grueling construction, the Imperial Riyadh Resort was complete and sent in. A few days later it was announced the winner of the first qualifying round in the Pro Tour. This was by far my largest piece of architecture and the most time consuming, too. Luckily, it edged by to gain me a coveted spot in the New Element Pro Tour.
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Micool Offline
Toon Offline
Tech Artist Offline
v1perz Offline
And both are fuckin brilliant.
Brent Offline
Tech Artist Offline
EDIT: Kumba is still hack god now that we know it is easy. Good idea Phatage to make a flying saucer though.
Brent Offline
v1perz Offline
Seriously, RCTfan, everyone could see that there was no track, so it has to be either invisible track or trackless. The problem is most people don't know how to make the track invisible in the first place.
Mantis gave a good hint, now everyone go home and lets see who can copy those hacks first.
Ready, set, go...
deanosrs Offline
thorpedo Offline
Phatage- Niiiice. Good stuff, I thoroughly enjoyed watching it, which doesn't happen a lot in RCT for me. The beginning was extremely boring..but I like the atmosphere and all the hacks and custom scenery. Wow.
You both deserved a win....holy shit. Lol.
cBass Offline
I used the invisible path. I think ragingbullguy made it back in July. I love the invisible path! It has so many great applications, and not just fantasy stuff like floating through space. I will likely use it in everything I build from now on.
After you've laid down the invisible path, you can always find it by viewing the path height numbers. The only downside is you can't put any path items like benches or lamps on it. I have no idea why that is. I'd love to have a version that allowed path items.
Toon Offline
So let the whole new wave of invisible track ideas begin.
Kumba Offline
Micool Offline
Brent Offline
Micool Offline
Tech Artist Offline
I'd never use the invisable track in a park anyway cause as soon as you try to destroy it and error trapper comes up so.....whatever.
Kumba Offline
v1perz Offline
Just when i figured it out, too. (it was simple as soon as i realized how important what Mantis said was) That hack will bring about a whole new world of rides, too bad everyone knows it now. It will also m ake almost everyone's parks hyper confusing.
And trust me, don't make invisible track till youre done with the park. The most annoying thing is building a bunch of great buildings and realizing the invisible track goes right through there.
Oh and i knew the invisible path had a simple explination...
EDIT: TT cursed me. Now every time i change the track type i get an error trapper. It was fine before. Any word on this?
Toon Offline
One piece of advice...if you're making a unmerged coaster, make sure you start the coaster before you make it invisible!