Yeah, I had to put boosters or else it wouldn't have made it through that corkscrew because I had to slow it down for that second loop. But I'm not complaining that my entry didn't win; I didn't expect it to come anywhere close to winning. There was still a lot of shit I had to do in it, but just didn't feel like doing. And I had looked over mowing the grass. I didn't think about that. But I, personally, HATE the way mowed grass looks. So, whatever, I respect your guys' decisions and can't really complain. But could one of you two say why you liked Fire Mountain the best? I'm just curious.
Coz it was more creative and detailed, RCT2 detailed that is...
I know second place sucks tho, I have been there once or twice... ok about 10x, but its not the end of the world, keep trying and im sure you will get in.
i didn't care much for the entries. just one thing i wanted to say.
people don't want to read readmes. what the readme tells you is actually what the park itself should tell you. narrative parks are always more interesting, i think.
^Less than 20 minutes after he posted the screens you judged it compared to entries you saw in game. The sad part is that i felt the ll entries were just that, they offered nothing more and maybe even less than an overall screen would have. Each seemed to be built as a track on a workbench and then architecture was built around the track to constitute as theming as usual, and yet tracidedge is upset for not winning; at least yyo realizes how standard his entry was. It wasn't the best of X I've seen, but it definitely had the beginnings of being something wonderful. The thing is the best parks out there look half as good when incomplete because they aren't built for showing screens or to not revise at a later point; I even remember some people not even liking rob when sa released it unfinished and look how that turned out. Personally because of this I would still even give X the victory because the only thing the others had over it was that they had more on their maps, which should never be a deciding factor for a competition. I personally know I would much rather ride X's in real life as well, because many enthusiasts including myself would agree that the blast coaster is one of the best ever built.
Personally, I had tracidedge and Xcoaster both for first after a first glance. One of them was going to win, and admittedly, I think it was close.
Xcoaster had inconsistent theming, but when he hit it, he really hit it. That submarine was lovely, and the ineraction with the mountain was superb. I loved the launches and the pacing of the elements, and it seemed very realistic to me. The atmsophere he established was also very nice. I think further refinement could have produced something absolutely amazing. And tho it did lag, I don't use that as an excuse. Fine... so the computer isn't fast enough... but that shouldn't take away from what was made.
Tracid had some nice stuff. I'll admit that I'm a sucker for that LL style (the hi-tech style). His atmosphere was pretty nice, and the coaster was very fast and intense overall... but it did have an intensity rating over 12, plus it used boosters. Landscaping was nice, but not as good as Xcoaster's, who really integrated his coaster into its surroundings. Theming-wise, both might have been equal... though Tracid did use a theme that was a bit more overdone.
So I consulted Iris, and he has obviously explained why Xenon didn't appeal to him as much as me. So between the both of us, Xcoaster got the win, and the rest is history.
Xcoaster's is one of the best I've seen in the competition so far. I love his work. He uses objects like no one else - it really make's his stuff realistic. Great work man. And don't tease me about K2.
The LL entries were great, but I think they're both on the same level of skill, so I wouldn't know where to place who. I will say that I liked yyo's more though. Fantastic coaster.
Mostly though, I can't wait to see what Xcoaster comes up with in the main event; should be awesome.
1. Xenon by tracidedge - I picked this over X's because I think it had a great coaster design and great theming. The best overall package. Conservative, but still cool. Nice job tracid
2. Fire Mountain by Xcoaster - A nice compact coaster, but too much animated scenery for my liking. An above-average entry imo, nice job X.
3. Posidien by yyo - a more traditional steel coaster. The design earned this rank, not the theming. Not bad, just very underwhelming imo.
4. Testflight by yeshli - Hmmm, this was a strange entry to say the least. Imaginative, but way too dull to be enjoyed by me.
yyo im not saying you copied saying I liked yours, as I made a coaster very similar to it lol.
ah, ok. Your post was kind of misleading.
And I finally looked at Xcoaster's entry. First, I hated the coaster personally. It was ugly and looked like a jumbled mess of track. And then there's the theaming, which wasn't too bad. The area with the sub is great, and then again, some areas looked kinda bear. The area around the entrance to the coaster, is probably my favorite part, but I didn't really enjoy any of it much. Not my style at all really.
Did it deserve to win? I don't know, but thankfully it's not my decision, it's Iris and Cork's. Am I bitter? Hell no, 3+ months into a bairly finished entry shouldn't deserve the win. Even in a weaker round like this.
You guys, Helios used like 3 boosters. And I'm not trying to imply anything about judgment, just that boosters are not nearly sufficient to take down an otherwise solid layout, particularly when there is only one. Because a lot of people still respect Helios - just look at the Best NE Designs thread.
I think the issue here is between a park that tried to do more and had a few small issues vs. a park that tried to do less but had fewer issues as well. And sure, I'd agree with you that the latter is better in certain situations. A great mini is better than a crappy solo any day. But I think that here, 1. there weren't enough real problems with Tracid's to make this a point of debate, 2. there wasn't enough substance in X's to make this a point of debate. It does kind of come across like you guys did start to look for problems in Tracid's. And I'd like to echo Tracid's point above in regards to Iris' opinion, since it does appear he was something of the swing vote. I understand why you didn't like Tracid's and Yyo's, but what exactly did you see in X's? (I don't want to come across as the bully pushing you into a corner and trying to make you admit something; not at all dude; it's a perfectly honest inquiry of an opinion I very much respect.)
X, I didn't mean it to turn into a hate fest, although that may have been inevitable. Sorry for the harshness. Still a fan of your work.
P.S. do a Rama Revealed themed PT entry.
Don't worry, no offense taken. If it's not well liked, it's not well liked.
Not sure about a Rama themed entry. There's still hope that I'll make some progress on my solo someday. I restarted, and hopefully it'll be more coherent this time.
About what TracidEdge was saying regarding boosters. I personally think they're okay in small doses (like an increase in speed of a few mph), since it's difficult to get a design as well timed as you want it in RCT, due to having a limited selection of track pieces. Especially in a dueling coaster.
And in response to Posix's comment on Read Me's. I rarely read them, and this was one of the first times I've included one. I only did it as a break from working on stacking land blocks, and mostly only for myself. I don't expect people to read what I write, I just write about my parks because I figure with the amount of time we spend on them, some degree of commentary and insight into them is nice. My website is a good example of this. It's just added details about the parks, which aren't really necessary.
And finally, that mountain was a pain in the ass to make. I swear, never make an structure that big mostly just out of 1/4 tile land blocks. That was a very stupid idea. It probably took the longest amount of time, and was still the ugliest thing on the map.
I agree, the station to my Ozymandias ride only looked cool from the sides, I baisically gave up on the top part, it looked pretty ugly if you look at it out of context.
Congrats on the win, X, if your entry is as nifty as this and has a more "complete" feel to it, you'll give a lot of people a run for the money.
Yeshli, I think it would have been better it it weren't invisible tracked. That airport was cool, and it was very neat and crisp feeling.
I didn't really look at the LL stuff, so no comments, sorry.
This round wasnt really bad, however I disagree with the Judging.
-Fire Mountain- Good concept, and the execution wasnt that bad. I really didnt care for the layout too much, it seemed very sloppy really couldnt enjoy this one do to lagging on my computer. I also wouldnt expect Fire Mountain to be a like Futuristic-Tomorrow World theme, like you had but more so a volcano in the jungle.
-Xenon- LL Quality. Loved every bit of this entry, definitely should have gotten the victory here. No complaints at all on this one, great job as always TracidEdge
-Poseidon- A Descent entry in my book. I would have thought more of it if it were finished. I liked the layout, but the station building just wasnt my style
-Test Flight- Good entry. But this is B&M Coaster round, IMO, and that was more of a adventure ride. The theming was pin point. The layout was the only downer here with me. Though i know you had restraints, it still feel like random placing of track for the most part.
My Line Up-
1. Xenon (easily the greatest of all of the entries. LL Goodness)
2. Fire Mountain (Only because it was finished and Poseidon wasnt)
3. Poseidon (Unfinished, therefore this potentially great entry is knocked out of the running, but yyo did get the type right, unlike yeshli)
4. Test Flight (Would have ranked higher if it were actually a coaster, great otherwise)
i know this is really late and it doesnt matter anymore but i was reading through the topic and noticed some comments on my entry, maybe it will help for future contests:
Yeshli's was awesomely creative, but didn't really make the designated coaster type so he kinda automatically fell to last place.
-Test Flight- Good entry. But this is B&M Coaster round, IMO, and that was more of a adventure ride. The theming was pin point. The layout was the only downer here with me. Though i know you had restraints, it still feel like random placing of track for the most part.
in the PT2 thread, i asked this:
well i have my next workbench created with an original (or at least i hope it is) idea planned for it. its going to be built for the B&M multi-element round and hopefully i will be able to use the flying coaster (i have the floorless in the workbench just incase). if i dont get any official word, i will assume the flyer is ok for the multi-element coaster.
and got no reply for the rest of the 6 pages of the topic.
i know it doesnt matter to my entry anymore, but if someone asks a question about the rules, you should try answering it and keeping to those rules while judging.
I know second place sucks tho, I have been there once or twice... ok about 10x, but its not the end of the world, keep trying and im sure you will get in.
Richie Offline
2. tracidedge
3. xcoaster
4. yeshli
people don't want to read readmes. what the readme tells you is actually what the park itself should tell you.
narrative parks are always more interesting, i think.
EDIT: All parks that is, not just these entries
I would have went:
1. tracidEdge
2. Xcoaster
3. yyo
4. yeshli
Corkscrewed Offline
Xcoaster had inconsistent theming, but when he hit it, he really hit it. That submarine was lovely, and the ineraction with the mountain was superb. I loved the launches and the pacing of the elements, and it seemed very realistic to me. The atmsophere he established was also very nice. I think further refinement could have produced something absolutely amazing. And tho it did lag, I don't use that as an excuse. Fine... so the computer isn't fast enough... but that shouldn't take away from what was made.
Tracid had some nice stuff. I'll admit that I'm a sucker for that LL style (the hi-tech style). His atmosphere was pretty nice, and the coaster was very fast and intense overall... but it did have an intensity rating over 12, plus it used boosters. Landscaping was nice, but not as good as Xcoaster's, who really integrated his coaster into its surroundings. Theming-wise, both might have been equal... though Tracid did use a theme that was a bit more overdone.
So I consulted Iris, and he has obviously explained why Xenon didn't appeal to him as much as me. So between the both of us, Xcoaster got the win, and the rest is history.
The LL entries were great, but I think they're both on the same level of skill, so I wouldn't know where to place who. I will say that I liked yyo's more though. Fantastic coaster.
Mostly though, I can't wait to see what Xcoaster comes up with in the main event; should be awesome.
1. Xenon by tracidedge - I picked this over X's because I think it had a great coaster design and great theming. The best overall package. Conservative, but still cool. Nice job tracid
2. Fire Mountain by Xcoaster - A nice compact coaster, but too much animated scenery for my liking. An above-average entry imo, nice job X.
3. Posidien by yyo - a more traditional steel coaster. The design earned this rank, not the theming. Not bad, just very underwhelming imo.
4. Testflight by yeshli - Hmmm, this was a strange entry to say the least. Imaginative, but way too dull to be enjoyed by me.
And I finally looked at Xcoaster's entry. First, I hated the coaster personally. It was ugly and looked like a jumbled mess of track. And then there's the theaming, which wasn't too bad. The area with the sub is great, and then again, some areas looked kinda bear. The area around the entrance to the coaster, is probably my favorite part, but I didn't really enjoy any of it much. Not my style at all really.
Did it deserve to win? I don't know, but thankfully it's not my decision, it's Iris and Cork's. Am I bitter? Hell no, 3+ months into a bairly finished entry shouldn't deserve the win. Even in a weaker round like this.
I think the issue here is between a park that tried to do more and had a few small issues vs. a park that tried to do less but had fewer issues as well. And sure, I'd agree with you that the latter is better in certain situations. A great mini is better than a crappy solo any day. But I think that here, 1. there weren't enough real problems with Tracid's to make this a point of debate, 2. there wasn't enough substance in X's to make this a point of debate. It does kind of come across like you guys did start to look for problems in Tracid's. And I'd like to echo Tracid's point above in regards to Iris' opinion, since it does appear he was something of the swing vote. I understand why you didn't like Tracid's and Yyo's, but what exactly did you see in X's? (I don't want to come across as the bully pushing you into a corner and trying to make you admit something; not at all dude; it's a perfectly honest inquiry of an opinion I very much respect.)
Xcoaster Offline
Not sure about a Rama themed entry. There's still hope that I'll make some progress on my solo someday. I restarted, and hopefully it'll be more coherent this time.
About what TracidEdge was saying regarding boosters. I personally think they're okay in small doses (like an increase in speed of a few mph), since it's difficult to get a design as well timed as you want it in RCT, due to having a limited selection of track pieces. Especially in a dueling coaster.
And in response to Posix's comment on Read Me's. I rarely read them, and this was one of the first times I've included one. I only did it as a break from working on stacking land blocks, and mostly only for myself. I don't expect people to read what I write, I just write about my parks because I figure with the amount of time we spend on them, some degree of commentary and insight into them is nice. My website is a good example of this. It's just added details about the parks, which aren't really necessary.
Edited by Xcoaster, 10 November 2005 - 01:58 PM.
Congrats on the win, X, if your entry is as nifty as this and has a more "complete" feel to it, you'll give a lot of people a run for the money.
Yeshli, I think it would have been better it it weren't invisible tracked. That airport was cool, and it was very neat and crisp feeling.
I didn't really look at the LL stuff, so no comments, sorry.
inVersed Offline
-Fire Mountain- Good concept, and the execution wasnt that bad. I really didnt care for the layout too much, it seemed very sloppy really couldnt enjoy this one do to lagging on my computer. I also wouldnt expect Fire Mountain to be a like Futuristic-Tomorrow World theme, like you had but more so a volcano in the jungle.
-Xenon- LL Quality. Loved every bit of this entry, definitely should have gotten the victory here. No complaints at all on this one, great job as always TracidEdge
-Poseidon- A Descent entry in my book. I would have thought more of it if it were finished. I liked the layout, but the station building just wasnt my style
-Test Flight- Good entry. But this is B&M Coaster round, IMO, and that was more of a adventure ride. The theming was pin point. The layout was the only downer here with me. Though i know you had restraints, it still feel like random placing of track for the most part.
My Line Up-
1. Xenon (easily the greatest of all of the entries. LL Goodness)
2. Fire Mountain (Only because it was finished and Poseidon wasnt)
3. Poseidon (Unfinished, therefore this potentially great entry is knocked out of the running, but yyo did get the type right, unlike yeshli)
4. Test Flight (Would have ranked higher if it were actually a coaster, great otherwise)
in the PT2 thread, i asked this:
and got no reply for the rest of the 6 pages of the topic.
i know it doesnt matter to my entry anymore, but if someone asks a question about the rules, you should try answering it and keeping to those rules while judging.