I did. Anyways, it really is making a mockery of the PT (PRO Tour) that someone like Xin is involved. I dont mean to be rude to xin, but we all know his work is probably in the bottom 5% of this site and quite frankly that brings the whole contest down as far as credibility and how much people care. He said himself hes only aiming to not get last....IMO anybody in the PT should be aiming (with reason) to win.
I know I'm sure as hell not going to win... My style of parkmaking isn't changing to keep time with the rest of the site, and so I have fallen way behind. But I'm still gonna work my ass off for this competition, finish something, turn it in, and miss working on it 'cos it was so God-damned fun. And I hope he'll do the same.
You guys are absolutely ridiculous. Stop bitching about Xin getting in. Why are you so mad?
Claiming the prestige of this contest went down? Make something prestigious, how about that? Change the way RCT is played, do something innovated? Do any of YOU have it in you (If you want to know who YOU means, it = RCTNW, Six Frags, and any other parkmaker who speaks this nonsense thats been spoken). Make something grounbreaking...break away from the NEstyle, break away from the norm. Make something that people will remember, and THEN this will be a prestigious competition. Blabbering on and on about how poor old sucky Xin shouldnt be in this wont help.
And Xin, if I were you I would come into this with a chip on my shoulder. I WISH somebody would talk shit like that about me, anybody. As far as im concerned, you need to place higher than EVERY BODY that has called you horrible.
disneylhand, fatha, I was NOT saying that those guys that qualified were bad at all.. I meant to say that what made it attractive for me to compete in the PT1 and 2 was the exclusivity of the contest; It was really hard to win a prelim and get into the PT (unless you were a NE Parkmaker).. Now it looks more like a High Rollers contest where practically everyone is allowed to enter at this site.. I've said this from the beginning of the PT, when Kumba announced designs were allowed, so it doesn't have ANYTHING to do with how 'good' and 'bad' I think the field is.. The reason why Xin qualified (submitting 5 entries) just rubbed me the wrong way and took all of the hard-to-qualify charm of the PT away.. Also, I always need some sort of inspiration to create something in RCT, and the PT just did that with the way it was set up.. Now it just doesn't, so I can sit there and do nothing, or focus on my solo parks which I would rather do..
I hope you now understand my reasoning,
Yes Fatha it may be pompous, but then do the best football players play in the lower leagues? No, they want to be in the highest league against the highest competition, where they have earnt the right to be. That's one way of looking at it imo, I think people like RCTNW, SF and myself are just aggravated that the "exclusivity" of the pro tour seems to have gone. I mean, take PT1. I put in four entries, one of which some people thought should have won, and all 4 were (and I don't mean to be arrogant... but they were), better than Xin's. I didn't get a bonus spot....
I think the best way of doing it this year may have been to change the format a little to encourage more good non parkmakers to enter the prelims, as that is where this years content has fallen down a little. Half the rounds, two qualifiers for each, or a 50x50 map, best 12 get through, something like that may have worked better.
To all of those who have said that a mini park has never been done...check last year's bonus round.
I know I don't really have much weight with my comments here, because I haven't been around much, but the thing that excited me so much about trying to get into PT2 was the quality of PT1. Up and down the line, fantastic parks. Kumba and Phatage ever had to fight to get in. THe first pro tour was SUPER-EXCLUSIVE. The second pro tour was less so, naturally, since many of the emerging parkmakers had been Parkmakers either from the first pro tour or from some time in between. This created a pocket for upcomers to get a shot. Enter Jazz. Nothing wrong with Jazz getting in, he won the wooden round. But all in all, I would say the quality of the Pre-lims were great: XCoaster, Steve, X250, etc. It was not impossible to get in, but it was still a serious task to get invited. The Second Pro Tour still had the air of an elite competition.
This time around, I haven't even heard of half the people who have won pre-lims. Granted, it's my fault for not being around as much, but with 3 bonus spots already awarded, and another on the way, I have to question Kumba's intent. Clearly, it's to have as many parkmakers as possible to enter, than to maintain the prestigiousness. Now this doesn't mean that we won't have the same 1-15 that we would have had without pre-lims. I don't think it's an excuse to drop out at this point. If I were invited, from either side, I would have inspiration to show I deserved to be there, or that those kids didn't.
Regardless, it's sort of a natural evolution with the way PT2 was, but I didn't expect it to be like this. I don't mean to be an elitist. I guess I'm more of a...traditionalist at this point. Who would have ever thought that? Shit, I was new here like a year and a half ago. Times change.
Fatha’ I’m not mad nor am I upset over this but rather I’m disappointed in how the PT has turned out this year. I have no problems with winners of the various rounds getting a spot. That is how it’s supposed to work. Getting a spot because of a Design or RU/SRU should not have been allowed if this was going to be a true PT. As for me participating, aside from H2H and one round of QFTB, I have never participated in contests. They are just not for me. That said, when the PT was announced and since I had a spot for the first time, I felt obligated and excited that I was going to participate because I remembered how the PT was in the past. With all that has taken place this year, it’s not a PT anymore for me but rather just another contest. Since I usually don’t enjoy participating in contests, I will stick with my solo as that’s what I enjoy.
Look at the list of names (not that there are bad names but rather the amount of names). I was serious in saying that it would be easier to state who’s not in the event! If your going to have that many qualifiers, why not just open it up to everyone and give it a different name. Keep the PT in tact and make it what it’s meant to be.
As for Xin getting in, I have no problem with him nor am I saying he’s bad. I just was disappointed in how he got in as it was not based on quality but rather on quantity (see quote below). The other bonus spots had quality tied to the reasoning. I think this is setting a bad example for future events.
3. Xin - 50 Cent got shot 9 times! Well, Xin made 5 entries, so he's in but we may need to shot him 4 times
I also don’t mean to come off as an elitist as that was not my intent nor do I feel that way. If it did, I appologize. Like Postit, I’m more of a traditionalist at this point.
Anyway, I hope we have some great entries and I wish everyone the best of luck.
I guess I have some simple questions to ask SF, RCTNW, deano, whoever.
You talk about the exclusiveness of the PT ruined and maybe it has been BUT what other 'Pros' are left to get in?
Take a close look at the list of people up for bonus spots. NOT ONE would have gotten into PT or PT2 imo. But so what? Times have changed... this isn't when Phatage or cBass or John or Kevin or sloB were all in their prime or up and coming. This is after that... after they've all gone.... so who else is left to contend to get in the PT besides who's gotten in already?
The way I see it the small handful of Parkmakers and some upcoming players are the elites here these days. And when you guys start jumping ship instead of building the great entries we know you can because of this and other decisions you only have yourselves to blame for a lackluster PT.
Ok so you don't agree with Kumba or feel the PT has been ruined? You still come off as pompus no matter what you say. The whole attitude gives a feeling of "well I don't think this contest is worthy of my attention if they're in it"
So you want to go work on your solos... which anyone can understand... but when the PT finals come around and their are only 10 entries from people you don't deem worthy (hope this doesn't happen)... I just think you SF and you RCTNW (two of today's few active Parkmakers) have only yourselves to blame.
Well, I'm not going to repeat myself, but what I was trying to say is that the reason why I managed to get in 4 pieces (2 prelims and 2 parks for the main event) in the last 2 PT's was because the whole way it was set up inspired me to keep building and actually finish the park.. Now that feeling just isn't there.. Maybe it's because I'm much more into building my own size solo's these days, with no deadline whatsoever..
OLE - there are just too many non-parkmakers this year. There are actually lots of quality potential parkmakers here, on my count: FK-Coastermind J K Geoff Peeee Deanosrs (;-) 5Dave Splash-O JDP Levis Egghead DisneylHand GeeWhz
Now tell me that's not an impressive resume of non-parkmakers! (Apologies to anyone I left off the list, I did do it very quickly and it was only to make a point). But my point is, it should be just those non-parkmakers, maybe a couple more... not other less quality parkmakers like Xin (sorry dude).
Perversely, Kumba would probably get higher quality and maybe even quantity (+ the not so good non-parkmakers, - SF, RCTNW and maybe others).
It is and nobody can deny that. But when Parkmakers start storming out because the PT is ruined for them... it still is a problem for the PRO Tour no matter how many good up and coming players you can list.
And guess what? All those people mentioned... are already in it. Although hat's partly because of the Design/RU/Spotlight thing (which did change PT a lot) and as you say there are a lot of great up and coming players. So I guess if they got in I don't see the problem since just about every good player these days with a willingness to participate has got in already. It's not like Xin stole a spot from geewhzzz or anything. And you're right... cutting down on entry options and maybe even the prelims themselves so we didnt' run out of better players would have been a better option. But as I stated before times have changed and are still changing and we have a large crop of up and coming players that did sort of sweep into the PT. But ranting about it and deciding not to enter isn't helping anything.
I wouldn't have entered the pro tour anyway to be honest because I can barely have time to work on my solo at the moment, nevermind something else as well.
Yes all those people are in it. And no-one else should be, because that is what makes it stupid to call this competition a pro tour when there are clearly parkmakers on it who are not pro. If you want a competition with as many entries as possible, let's do another hi-rollers.
I don’t think we are storming out. I can’t speak for the others but I need motivation to build in RCT. I hate deadlines and game limitations. That is the reason why I don’t do contests with RCT anymore. This is also why I “retired” from RCT a couple of years ago because I was forcing myself to do things outside of my style and it became work that once was very enjoyable. I removed deadlines by not participating in contests, I removed game limitations with a huge multi-map project and accepted my style for what it is. Once I did that, I have been productive and have enjoyed park making once again. When PT came around, I mistakenly thought it would be like it once was and got excited about it. That I guess was my mistake. It’s not the same anymore and thus became a let down for me and it turned into any other contest out there.
I understand why Kumba did what he did and he has every right to do that. It’s his site, his prize money and because of that, this will be my last post on this subject so we can get back to the event. I’m just disappointed, nothing more, nothing less. Btw - If two or three people voice their disappointment with the event is the reason for downfall of the PT, then the event was not that strong to begin with.
That goes to anyone who hasn't seen looked at it yet due to not having LL installed.
disneylhand Offline
Tell me, Six Frags, what did I not bother to read/misunderstand?
I'm not trying to sound accusing... I truly just want to know your view on this.
A mini park... who saw that coming?
I must agree, but I can't deny the fact that there will be very very very hard competition.
Congrats to everyone who got/will get (*cough* bonusspot *cough*) into the PT!!! And also to those who made an effort
Edited by RCFanB&M, 12 July 2007 - 12:48 AM.
Fatha' Offline
You guys are absolutely ridiculous. Stop bitching about Xin getting in. Why are you so mad?
Claiming the prestige of this contest went down? Make something prestigious, how about that? Change the way RCT is played, do something innovated? Do any of YOU have it in you (If you want to know who YOU means, it = RCTNW, Six Frags, and any other parkmaker who speaks this nonsense thats been spoken). Make something grounbreaking...break away from the NEstyle, break away from the norm. Make something that people will remember, and THEN this will be a prestigious competition. Blabbering on and on about how poor old sucky Xin shouldnt be in this wont help.
And Xin, if I were you I would come into this with a chip on my shoulder. I WISH somebody would talk shit like that about me, anybody. As far as im concerned, you need to place higher than EVERY BODY that has called you horrible.
I hope you now understand my reasoning,
Ok, he's got 5 entrys ... but do you ever looked at them?
I think he can't finish a whole park. atm.
Nothing against you, Xin! These are only my thoughts.
And Kumba.
You've seen the nice Coaster from RaPiPo in this round. He deserves the spot!
Edited by Fr3ak, 12 July 2007 - 09:00 AM.
I think the best way of doing it this year may have been to change the format a little to encourage more good non parkmakers to enter the prelims, as that is where this years content has fallen down a little. Half the rounds, two qualifiers for each, or a 50x50 map, best 12 get through, something like that may have worked better.
Edited by deanosrs, 12 July 2007 - 08:48 AM.
I know I don't really have much weight with my comments here, because I haven't been around much, but the thing that excited me so much about trying to get into PT2 was the quality of PT1. Up and down the line, fantastic parks. Kumba and Phatage ever had to fight to get in. THe first pro tour was SUPER-EXCLUSIVE. The second pro tour was less so, naturally, since many of the emerging parkmakers had been Parkmakers either from the first pro tour or from some time in between. This created a pocket for upcomers to get a shot. Enter Jazz. Nothing wrong with Jazz getting in, he won the wooden round. But all in all, I would say the quality of the Pre-lims were great: XCoaster, Steve, X250, etc. It was not impossible to get in, but it was still a serious task to get invited. The Second Pro Tour still had the air of an elite competition.
This time around, I haven't even heard of half the people who have won pre-lims. Granted, it's my fault for not being around as much, but with 3 bonus spots already awarded, and another on the way, I have to question Kumba's intent. Clearly, it's to have as many parkmakers as possible to enter, than to maintain the prestigiousness. Now this doesn't mean that we won't have the same 1-15 that we would have had without pre-lims. I don't think it's an excuse to drop out at this point. If I were invited, from either side, I would have inspiration to show I deserved to be there, or that those kids didn't.
Regardless, it's sort of a natural evolution with the way PT2 was, but I didn't expect it to be like this. I don't mean to be an elitist. I guess I'm more of a...traditionalist at this point. Who would have ever thought that? Shit, I was new here like a year and a half ago. Times change.
I’m not mad nor am I upset over this but rather I’m disappointed in how the PT has turned out this year. I have no problems with winners of the various rounds getting a spot. That is how it’s supposed to work. Getting a spot because of a Design or RU/SRU should not have been allowed if this was going to be a true PT. As for me participating, aside from H2H and one round of QFTB, I have never participated in contests. They are just not for me. That said, when the PT was announced and since I had a spot for the first time, I felt obligated and excited that I was going to participate because I remembered how the PT was in the past. With all that has taken place this year, it’s not a PT anymore for me but rather just another contest. Since I usually don’t enjoy participating in contests, I will stick with my solo as that’s what I enjoy.
Look at the list of names (not that there are bad names but rather the amount of names). I was serious in saying that it would be easier to state who’s not in the event! If your going to have that many qualifiers, why not just open it up to everyone and give it a different name. Keep the PT in tact and make it what it’s meant to be.
As for Xin getting in, I have no problem with him nor am I saying he’s bad. I just was disappointed in how he got in as it was not based on quality but rather on quantity (see quote below). The other bonus spots had quality tied to the reasoning. I think this is setting a bad example for future events.
I also don’t mean to come off as an elitist as that was not my intent nor do I feel that way. If it did, I appologize. Like Postit, I’m more of a traditionalist at this point.
Anyway, I hope we have some great entries and I wish everyone the best of luck.
You talk about the exclusiveness of the PT ruined and maybe it has been BUT what other 'Pros' are left to get in?
Take a close look at the list of people up for bonus spots. NOT ONE would have gotten into PT or PT2 imo. But so what? Times have changed... this isn't when Phatage or cBass or John or Kevin or sloB were all in their prime or up and coming. This is after that... after they've all gone.... so who else is left to contend to get in the PT besides who's gotten in already?
The way I see it the small handful of Parkmakers and some upcoming players are the elites here these days. And when you guys start jumping ship instead of building the great entries we know you can because of this and other decisions you only have yourselves to blame for a lackluster PT.
Ok so you don't agree with Kumba or feel the PT has been ruined? You still come off as pompus no matter what you say. The whole attitude gives a feeling of "well I don't think this contest is worthy of my attention if they're in it"
So you want to go work on your solos... which anyone can understand... but when the PT finals come around and their are only 10 entries from people you don't deem worthy (hope this doesn't happen)... I just think you SF and you RCTNW (two of today's few active Parkmakers) have only yourselves to blame.
Deanosrs (;-)
Now tell me that's not an impressive resume of non-parkmakers! (Apologies to anyone I left off the list, I did do it very quickly and it was only to make a point). But my point is, it should be just those non-parkmakers, maybe a couple more... not other less quality parkmakers like Xin (sorry dude).
Perversely, Kumba would probably get higher quality and maybe even quantity (+ the not so good non-parkmakers, - SF, RCTNW and maybe others).
Edited by deanosrs, 12 July 2007 - 12:13 PM.
And guess what? All those people mentioned... are already in it. Although hat's partly because of the Design/RU/Spotlight thing (which did change PT a lot) and as you say there are a lot of great up and coming players. So I guess if they got in I don't see the problem since just about every good player these days with a willingness to participate has got in already. It's not like Xin stole a spot from geewhzzz or anything. And you're right... cutting down on entry options and maybe even the prelims themselves so we didnt' run out of better players would have been a better option. But as I stated before times have changed and are still changing and we have a large crop of up and coming players that did sort of sweep into the PT. But ranting about it and deciding not to enter isn't helping anything.
Yes all those people are in it. And no-one else should be, because that is what makes it stupid to call this competition a pro tour when there are clearly parkmakers on it who are not pro. If you want a competition with as many entries as possible, let's do another hi-rollers.
I understand why Kumba did what he did and he has every right to do that. It’s his site, his prize money and because of that, this will be my last post on this subject so we can get back to the event. I’m just disappointed, nothing more, nothing less. Btw - If two or three people voice their disappointment with the event is the reason for downfall of the PT, then the event was not that strong to begin with.
James - rctnw