Park / Echo

Park_1090 Echo


This park shares comments with 41 other parks(View Parks)
  • egg_head%s's Photo
    Wonderful! I love your stuff OLE!
  • Ling%s's Photo
    Awesome... huge round :)
    (can't wait to see Fisch's, zodiac's and OLE's)

    And yes, we're all waiting impatiently with you, Egg.

    Edited by Ling, 08 July 2007 - 02:07 PM.

  • Panic%s's Photo
    not entering. got other fish to fry.
  • Brent%s's Photo
    He's entering.

    As am I... waiting for the final piece(s) though from someone...
  • Kumba%s's Photo

    -dr dirt
    etc... etc... etc...
    Basically, if everyone on ^that list entered it could be one hell of a round. How many entries have you received Kumba?

    Just a couple of the guys on your list atm, plus what looks to be a clear winner from someone you have overlooked ;)

    Even with that said if you think you have a shot at a bonus spot, enter anyways. I won't be shy about taking in bonus spots and their will be an extra (may even two if their is a good turn out and a tie) added with the public poll.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    lemme guess: Fisch? ;)
  • 5dave%s's Photo
    I don't like fisch.
    All these bones... :[

    Fisch FTW!


  • Kumba%s's Photo
    It's not him :p
  • egg_head%s's Photo
    Fisch has found another way to slip through the net.
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    I was going to finish up my prelim that I lost in the data crash for this round, but if I made it I wouldn't be able to enter the finals (I have four clubparks to work on), so I'm just going to finish that up later and send it in for Design (Though I doubt it will make it, since it was more rushed than Pharaoh, which still barely made it).
  • vekoma9%s's Photo

    Edited by vekoma9, 08 July 2007 - 05:51 PM.

  • Metropole%s's Photo
    Kumba, don't give stupid hints like that to deter competition...
  • Brent%s's Photo
    Seriously, what your practically saying is "Hey, look I've already found the last person to advance, so yeah..."
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    I don't really care. This round is more about making a final case for a bonus spot anyways.
  • eman%s's Photo
    I know who it is. ;) I cant wait to see all the entries though, this round will be quite interesting.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    Kumba, you're saying it's not Fisch? Or are you being sarcastic? Damnit, stop giving me false hope.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    You have no hope.

    Sorry just killing time until the afternoon of the 9th.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Ah... im fairly busy the 10th, so id not expect the results posted till around 7 or 8pm that night. It will be worth the wait tho :)
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    haha :lol:
    I want to know who it is, too.

    btw Egg is right!
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    Still killing time, as well Ling. And I mean hope to be top 5, not hope to win. If Fisch doesn't win, I have a better chance of getting higher.

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