Park / Oberon

Park_1078 Oberon


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  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Posted Image

    Best Invert

    Well I won't lie, this is one of the weakest PT prelim rounds I can remember, hell it's not even gona share a news post with my Spotlight park :p What it really came down to was Geoff vs. Fisch... I was once again un-able to come to a decisive ruling and called in a guest judge who voted in favor of our winner, Geoff. Scorpion had a great layout and some brilliant pockets of theming like the area right in front of the station. Also helping Geoff big time was having the best layout, however the amount unfinished nearly coast him the win. Fisch did a really good job and came pretty close to grabbing the win with his wonderful, yet just as unfinished invert. Like Geoff's entry it had some really good finished parts like the town houses and waterfalls, but in the end Fisch came up just a little short. Last but not least was X Fusion was DX themed green and black invert with an akward layout. I was pretty disappointed not to find one sign in the entry saying "Suck it!" So thats the story, Geoff takes this weak round and advances to the PT3 finals. Good luck and I really hope you get an entry in for the finals, but your history tells me you won't.

    1. Scorpion by Geoff
    2. Indiana Jones: The Gardens of Eden by Fisch
    3. DX Inverted Roller Coaster by X Fusion

    Next round is Wooden Coasters, good luck everyone!

    Preliminary Rounds - Due Date:
    FK+Coastermind Created The Best Bridge (May 14)
    J K Created The Best Water Ride (May 21)
    Geoff Created The Best Inverted Coaster (May 28)
    Create The Best Wooden Coaster (June 4)
    Create The Best B&M (June 11)
    Create The Best Adventure Ride (June 18)
    Create The Best Dueling Coasters (June 25)
    Create Any of the Above, a.k.a. "The Bonus Round") (July 2)
    Wildcard! Create anything you want (July 9)
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    Haha. I am surprised. Thank you :)
  • Steve%s's Photo
    YAYYYYYYY GEOFF! You better enter the finals so I can destroy you. :)
  • Levis%s's Photo
    WOW ... this round had two parks which had lot of potential and I would have loved to see them finnished... to bad they weren't :( .

    Let's make it good again in the wooden round !

    *I imagine some people cursing them self because they didn't enter this round :p
  • egg_head%s's Photo
    Downloading now. Really? not one of them was finished? Shame on you all :-P
  • Levis%s's Photo
    the last one was finnished
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    ^^^That's me. Instead I was dumb enough to enter the B&M round with others who will most likely beat me. :p

    I actually thought Fisch should have won. His entry was more finished, and the only thing I didn't like as much as Geoff's entry was the layout, which was still really good. Geoff's entry was nice too. The archy seemed to be missing something, although it was really unfinished.

    X Fusion's entry was really nice too, with the exception of the layout. I quite enjoyed the atmosphere and the hotel. Keep it up, and you'll get better. :)

    Edited by Gwazi, 29 May 2007 - 12:38 PM.

  • Fisch%s's Photo
    Congrats Geoff,
    show them in the finals that it would not have been easy to win this round because of two (or at least one) great inverter -> your's :p


    maybe I'm going to finnish mine sometime in near future.
    But if I'll work on it again I'll redo all buildings because as I told you Kumba...I really don't like the buildings I made...they just look like sh*t!

    Edited by Fisch, 29 May 2007 - 12:38 PM.

  • X_Fusion%s's Photo
    I was in I finish but I learned very and was valid for the a participation.
    Of the next one I go to be much more strong…
    Congratulations Geoff and Fisch!
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    Oh and X Fusion,
    I really liked the idea you had there and I think it was a very nice theme that you were going for.
    But the worst point was the layout the ride had.
    Also you should have built some more things next to the coaster.
    Then maybe you would have got some more feedback from Kumba!
  • egg_head%s's Photo
    I liked both entries, Fisch's and Geoff's.
    Fisch: I kind of liked your archy even if it didn't resembled the name of the ride very good. I loved the custom tree you did. The unfinishednes and the awkward layout kills it for me though.
    Geoff: Loved the Layout! That said, there wasn't much more to look at besides the coaster. Only one (unfinished) building. The polework was superb though.
    I don't know who should have won, but I'm not disapointed Geoff did, because I really want to see an entry from you.
    Prove Kumba wrong dude!
  • X_Fusion%s's Photo
    Thank you GWAZI!

    He was the first time that I entered in a competition of Roller Coaster.

    It has great players here but I think that I have ideia and projects of great quality stops in a next future being able to rival with the best ones.

    But it does not go to be easy!
  • X_Fusion%s's Photo
    Already I had the opotunidade to see the works of the Fisch and Geoff.

    My opinion is:

    Geoff - Scorpion - For me the Roller Coaster only escapes in this scene. Exactly thus the Roller Coaster did not arrive me to convince. The Geoff did not show devotion in what she made. An empty scene with chestnut land to predominate, a edifiçio (the only building of the scene) very confused and ways that are not known where start and where they finish and for I finish much thing imcompleta that until it gives the sensation of that earthquake passed one that way.

    Fisch - Indiana Jones: The Gardens of Eden by Fisch - the scene makes to remember in nothing the adventures of Indiana Jones. Scene (houses, trees, gardens) in the interior zone of the Roller Coaster only exists, in the exterior zone it does not have nothing stops beyond chestnut land and buildings for destroying what it takes me to believe that the Roller Coaster already was constructed and that theme was one part Park who ja had been constructed there. This only sample that Fisch did not have much effort and devotion. It was alone to erase with much haste some things in the cenario and touches to participate.
    But ok.

    Conclusion - These two scenes for me did not deserve to be my front, but I am not the jury and congratulate the Fisch and the Geoff, but also I say that they must work of complete, interesting and different truth as I made when creating my Roller Coaster with a scene much more organized, that yours. I am not bad loser and this is alone my opinion and creates that they exist more Park Makers of my side. I use to advantage to say to jurys to rethink in its evaluations. I wait that in next rounds more justice exists, more participant and that the best works are deservedly in first place!
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Fisch's was better in my view.
  • lucas92%s's Photo
    ^I definatly agree. I think reputation played in this round. ;)
  • geewhzz%s's Photo
    Where is WOLFBANE ?

    Of the entries that were submitted I have to say I enjoyed Fisch's best. Although none of the entries were that good of layouts in my opinion, they all could have used a lot of work. It surprised me that Fisch's entry didn't win. When I opened them up I opened Scorpion first and was like "the other entries must have been terrible for this to win," but when I opened Fisch's entry my jaw dropped. Nuff said.

    Fisch, the scenery you used created a wonderful atmosphere and I enjoyed looking at it but I think your coaster could have underwent many changes before you started theming it. It is fun to see what people can throw together from the bench I made and I love seeing everyone toying around with it, as I put so much work into it.

    As for Scorpion I thought it was lackluster. The supports weren't executed well at all and more time definitively could have been spent on them. Some of them were below the track for gods sake. Maybe my opinion would change had it been finished. Don't get me wrong it is a great start, but it's hard to imagine all of these people who don't even finish their prelims being in the actual protour.
  • Jazz%s's Photo

    Is there an estimation as to when the PT3 will officially start? For it may determine whether or not to bother with something I'm working on ...
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    Geoff, I hope you do get a finals entry in. I've loved your style ever since that watercoaster I did for you. :D
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    ^ That was such a looonggg time ago. Haha.

    Anyway, thanks everyone for the comments thus far. Fisch, great job. I didn't really see an Indiana Jones connection, but I do think your entry was very solid--and definitely some hard competition against mine.

    I do realize that my entry is terribly unfinished. A lot of things about my entry needed to be fixed.... I'm really sorry if you're offended by it. Lol. The supports for one thing. In my case my rct work has always been unfinished. Not making any excuses. I want to at least make some kind of finished thing... so you will see a finals entry from me. Finished.

    Finished is the word.
  • J K%s's Photo
    Wow thats a very bold statement. I can't wait now as you've just promised us an entry. Anyway loved both the top entries some nice architecture. I know Fisch will get a place in the finals if he gets another entry in as his work is really nice. Congrats Geoff!