Park / DX Inverted Roller Coaster

Park_1071 DX Inverted Roller Coaster


This park shares comments with 41 other parks(View Parks)
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    but I won't -> no time..sry :(

    or wait...maybe I'm able to do something for the bonus round.
    Don't know if I have really enough time to do so. :(
    But am I right that I'm only aloud to create any fo the other rides...(like adventure ride or a wooden coaster) or am I aloud to create a 4th dimensional coaster to (only for example!)

    Edited by Fisch, 29 May 2007 - 11:09 PM.

  • Levis%s's Photo
    for the wildcard round you can build whatever you want
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    Fisch, I actually think yours was the best (but I liked your building Geoff sp?)

    Please finish it someday. It has a lot of potential.

    And I liked your buildings!

    But your unfinished-ness showed me sort of the process of making buildings. Normally I build from the ground up, I don't build certain sections of the building.
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    Geoff: Pretty nice. Good support work, would have liked to see what you would have done with that station. Layout was ok, not spectacular

    Fisch: Would have won if I was the judge. Nice landblock work and some sweet little buildings. More inventive, and a pretty good layout

    X Fusion: Good effort, but the layout was weird, 5 loops? And had little theming in or around the coaster.
  • X_Fusion%s's Photo
    I difrente creates to make something and not something repetitive. Already we have much Roller Coasters to pass for in the way of houses and model them houses are always equal (old houses style) do not see edificios modern and in the reality much Roller Coasters is in free spaces without constructions so with the entrance station and exit of the passengers. I tried to make something difrente but he was not valid me very, but they tambem I say that I always go to be thus and I do not go to now stop with this defeat this continues. E that gained congratulations that if esforçe very because he will be as well as this round do not go far. [[]]
  • Fisch%s's Photo

    Already I had the opotunidade to see the works of the Fisch and Geoff.

    My opinion is:

    Geoff - Scorpion - For me the Roller Coaster only escapes in this scene. Exactly thus the Roller Coaster did not arrive me to convince. The Geoff did not show devotion in what she made. An empty scene with chestnut land to predominate, a edifiçio (the only building of the scene) very confused and ways that are not known where start and where they finish and for I finish much thing imcompleta that until it gives the sensation of that earthquake passed one that way.

    Fisch - Indiana Jones: The Gardens of Eden by Fisch - the scene makes to remember in nothing the adventures of Indiana Jones. Scene (houses, trees, gardens) in the interior zone of the Roller Coaster only exists, in the exterior zone it does not have nothing stops beyond chestnut land and buildings for destroying what it takes me to believe that the Roller Coaster already was constructed and that theme was one part Park who ja had been constructed there. This only sample that Fisch did not have much effort and devotion. It was alone to erase with much haste some things in the cenario and touches to participate.
    But ok.
    Conclusion - These two scenes for me did not deserve to be my front, but I am not the jury and congratulate the Fisch and the Geoff, but also I say that they must work of complete, interesting and different truth as I made when creating my Roller Coaster with a scene much more organized, that yours. I am not bad loser and this is alone my opinion and creates that they exist more Park Makers of my side. I use to advantage to say to jurys to rethink in its evaluations. I wait that in next rounds more justice exists, more participant and that the best works are deservedly in first place!

    Seems as if you made a fault, Kumba, with not letting X Fusion win! :p
  • egg_head%s's Photo
    X Fusion, to make this clear: Your entry was different, ok, but not good. Not even as good as the two unfinished ones.
    You might have put some effort in that but your buildings are just blocks, your coaster layout is far from the norm, but that doesn't automaticly mean this is good, and the theming near the coaster was just not there...
    So i think one of the two others deserves the win, I'm not sure whichone though...
  • trav%s's Photo
    Oooh, I see I missed the start of this :/.
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    Even if there weren't many competitors this round, I thought the entries were really good.

    X Fusion - I thought your entry was pretty cool. It wasn't that bad IMO, because I like the combination of black and toxic green. Also, I didn't think the layout was that weird. I'd ride it. But the big TV thing...? What's up with that?

    Fisch - I personally thought that you should've taken the gold. The buildings were well done, and the ride itself looked like fun. I'm assuming that the tree in front of the entrance is the tree of knowledge? (I'm not Christian, so I wouldn't know for sure.) I'd really like to see the whole thing finished. I think that it would look sweet.

    Geoff - I'm sorry, but unlike the other two, yours didn't seem to fit the title. I realize that it was unfinished, but it just didn't have a "scorpion-esque" feel to it. The entrance building looked nice, although very brown, and I like the idea of a Fast-Pass line. Overall, it was good, but not good enough to win, IMO.

    Overall, some great entries. Hope they look just as good in the woody round!
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    Kumba, do you see what all these nice people say?
    They say they think I should have won! :peace:

    No it's no problem and maybe I'll get the chance to get in in another prelim... :)
    But it'll be VERY hard! :(

    Edited by Fisch, 31 May 2007 - 01:35 PM.

  • X_Fusion%s's Photo
    Who earned, earned!
    Now it has that to bet itself in next rounds.
  • Levis%s's Photo

    Geoff - I'm sorry, but unlike the other two, yours didn't seem to fit the title. I realize that it was unfinished, but it just didn't have a "scorpion-esque" feel to it. The entrance building looked nice, although very brown, and I like the idea of a Fast-Pass line. Overall, it was good, but not good enough to win, IMO.

    you say it doesn't give a scorpion feeling... but to which kind of scorpion do you refer?
    when I saw the coaster I instantly tought about "The Scorpion King" and the entrance building gave a good feeling to that to.
    The mountains at the sides remind me of the place where the movie starts and it somehow also gave me the feeling of the valley of the death ...
    I tought it honored his name very good ....
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    I've never seen The Scorpion King, so I couldn't base my judgement on that. When I think scorpion, I usually think of the Mojave Desert. Or, I think of the middle east. I really wasn't feeling either of those locations in Geoff's entry. Sorry. :'( The building was really good though. I liked it! :)

    Edited by Xin, 01 June 2007 - 09:21 AM.

  • Fr3ak%s's Photo
    Hi there,

    could anyone plaese post some screens of those things?
    Cause I haven't got any RCT2 here (I'm in Crete ---> H-O-L-I-D-A-Y-S!) but I wanna see the coasters too :o)

    Greatings from the very very nice and hot Crete :)

    PS: Freaky keyboard they've got here :S
  • Lloyd%s's Photo
    ^ I love how people go on holiday but still want to sit infront of a pc :p
  • Fr3ak%s's Photo
    Only for an hour ;)

    Last 6 days I was sitting at the pool :D
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    I have screens of Geoff's and mine but I don't have any screens of X fusion's entry.

    Posted Image

    Posted Image
  • Carl%s's Photo

    When I saw the coaster I instantly tought about "The Scorpion King" and the entrance building gave a good feeling to that to. The mountains at the sides remind me of the place where the movie starts and it somehow also gave me the feeling of the valley of the death ...

    I agree with Levis here, the theme fit the title, but overall the quality was not nearly as good as Fisch's.

    Kumba, do you see what all these nice people say?
    They say they think I should have won! :peace: No it's no problem and maybe I'll get the chance to get in in another prelim... :)
    But it'll be VERY hard! :(

    Add me to the list of people who think you should have won, too, Fisch.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Well it's a shitty system to judge parks, I'll admit that. But seeing as thats how it had always been done I decide not to change it and I don't intend to change how the finals are judged. Sometimes you just get screwed, I did a few times in the first PT when I came in second place 3 times in a row and had to make a 4th entry before making the finals. Honestly I came pretty close to decideing that no one wins, but I figured id go with what imo was the better layout and more skilled parkmaker.

    Sorry Fisch, thats all I can say. I really do like your work tho and really hope you keep building and sending stuff into us.
  • X_Fusion%s's Photo
    The evaluation methods had of being reviewed.

    Fisch you do not have the image of my Roller Coaster because you know that mine it is better.

    You do not like to lose itself… but I also and if you do not think that you were victim of an injustice I also I think the same!

    In next round who knows will measure forces and waits that optimum of this time it earns!

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