Park / Le Viaduct

Park_1062 Le Viaduct


This park shares comments with 41 other parks(View Parks)
  • Levis%s's Photo
    why don't you guys all prove Kumba wrong by entering and show him that the level of your entrys is way higher than the people you don't seem to fit in the pro tour .... all the time you used to type those messages you could already put in your park and started something already ....
  • Milo%s's Photo
    Well that's understandable RCTNW... how many maps have you still got to work on? 4 or 5 right? but I guess the thing that set me off was when you said something along the lines of "well I hope this decision doesn't ruin the whole event" after voicing your opinion about Xin being in (and pretty much the huge amount of people who got in) but it's just that there are so few Parkmakers left and to see a couple active ones drop out is sad.

    And I never said it was the downfall of the event. But it certainly doesn't help. Oh and everyone needs motivation to play.... people just get it from different places.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    Let's just say the ProTour 3 is a cross between the Hi-Rollers competition and the original ProTours. Still the heightened quality because you have to qualify one way or another, but the idea seems to be to get more entries than the last ProTour produced. 15 entries. I don't think Kumba or Corkscrewed want a repeat of that.
  • postit%s's Photo
    I don't have a problem with 15 quality entries whatsoever.

    I was thinking about this today. I think that what ultimately led the whole situation to this point was the ridiculous qualifying thing that Kumba made up this year about Designs/Runners Up/etc. Here' my logic: When someone like geewhzz wins a couple of designs and is in, he no longer has to enter the prelims. Let's be honest here. Had geewhzz won those designs but not have been guarenteed in, realistically, he would have made an effort in one or two of the prelim rounds and probably would have won one of them. This takes away a spot from any of the people that may seem questionable.

    It's like the last PT. Let's say geewhz = Steve in up-and-coming-ness and works released. Steve still had to participate in the prelims despite some damn fine releases. Steve's participation in the prelims limited the size of the participants in the pro tour, and reaffirmed the strength of the competition. This year, with free passes granted to 1/4 of the site, neither is accomplished. I think that if Kumba did everything the same way it was done last year, it would be a lot better. Of course there would be more up-and-comers because of the whole situation I described in my first post. This year is a bit ridiculous, though.

    But still. If I were invited, fuck yeah I would go for it. It is the pro tour. Everything I've said is just observation and opinion.

    Good luck everybody.
  • Buckeye Becky%s's Photo
    I wonder if I would have entered every round if I'd have gotten a spot :bunny:
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    I wish people would stop stating the obvious. I know I suck. Kumba's the one who put me in this, granted I did want to be a part of it.

    Besides, in this competition, I'm "unveiling" a theme that I don't think anyone's ever tried before. Whether I can pull it off, I don't know, but I think that what keeps NE going is the ideas. You can't just go for the same boring Wild West theme, though it can be pulled off well. People do crazy things (*coughKumbacough*). We wouldn't have a hamburger if some guy hadn't said, "Let's put beef between two pieces of bread!" And some other guy said, "No, that's lame." Now everyone knows what a hamburger is, and most people love it.

    Whether I suck or not, and whether or not my parks are quality, I believe that the most important thing is to sumbit new ideas. Isn't the site called New Element? Even if I lose, or never win RU or anything, I'd like to see some of my ideas in future parks. I want my ideas to leave a lasting impression. I could care less about quality standards. I want new standards.

    Just thought I'd leave my 2 cents on the whole "NE is falling apart thing..."
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    No you just left your 50 Cent.
  • Milo%s's Photo
    Well Xin, setting aside your rather awkward supporting details and analogies I must say it's good to see you value new ideas. Tossing aside quality to support is a rather bad idea though. As a fellow person who feels that way let me just say that you can't discover all your new ideas for other people. You can share them certainly and if it's helpful to everyone all the better but discovering things for other people to use never works out. I fell down that pit for a while (see my "new things" topic) and started to lose the thrill I once had in the game. That's why I've recently started building coasters and things... to put some of my former ideas to good use if nobody else will (and part of that is the whole LL thing too but I think you'll still find the same thing). So I think you should start setting your sights a little higher which will help you in the long run. Play this game to the best of your ability and improve your skills along the way but not for the sake of finiding ideas that you hope someone else will take and do better than you did with them.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo

    Xin, on Jul 13 2007, 04:34 AM, said:

    I wish people would stop stating the obvious. I know I suck. Kumba's the one who put me in this, granted I did want to be a part of it.

    Besides, in this competition, I'm "unveiling" a theme that I don't think anyone's ever tried before. Whether I can pull it off, I don't know, but I think that what keeps NE going is the ideas. You can't just go for the same boring Wild West theme, though it can be pulled off well. People do crazy things (*coughKumbacough*). We wouldn't have a hamburger if some guy hadn't said, "Let's put beef between two pieces of bread!" And some other guy said, "No, that's lame." Now everyone knows what a hamburger is, and most people love it.

    Whether I suck or not, and whether or not my parks are quality, I believe that the most important thing is to sumbit new ideas. Isn't the site called New Element? Even if I lose, or never win RU or anything, I'd like to see some of my ideas in future parks. I want my ideas to leave a lasting impression. I could care less about quality standards. I want new standards.

    Just thought I'd leave my 2 cents on the whole "NE is falling apart thing..."

    Actually, let him do the pro tour.
  • Regulatin%s's Photo
    Anybody can make something creative, Xin. But the hard part is to make it look good.

    Oh, and Deano. I finally figured out what your avatar means. :lol:

    Edited by Regulatin, 13 July 2007 - 12:13 PM.

  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    oh dear. not being on the radar and no-one voting for my adventure ride has roused my competitive spirit. i may be forced to enter after all...
  • Levis%s's Photo
    will there be a list of all participating members ?
    because I just saw that every builder of Majestic Paradise gets a free pass to .. ?
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    ^ I think that's ridiculous as Kumba explicitly posted at the start that only solo parks counted
  • riven3d%s's Photo
    ya I would have to disagree with that statement, Kumba firmly stated that only solo efforts would be counted, all group efforts would not get into the PT.


    Solo NE Design, Runner-Up, Super Runner-Up and Spotlight exemption

    by this statement, they will not be allowed in, Kumba after some of your other decisions, if you change this one also, I think your gonna be very disappointed with what you do get.
  • egg_head%s's Photo
    Geewhzz also got a spot even though i helped him with the design. i think that's just fair.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    ^ that's similar to a guest spot in a solo park tho, which would be fine. completely different to a full out collabo. not trying to be an arse, i think the majesty guys deserve it, it's just that is what the rules said...
  • 5dave%s's Photo
    yeah the thing is, half of the guys who worked on the park are already in the PT.
    Xenon aka Ultratycoon won't be in the PT I guess because he left the RCT-world a year ago or so ;)
    Ge-Ride and MiFuNe are the only ones which got in the PT with MP now.

  • Levis%s's Photo

    egg_head, on Jul 14 2007, 10:37 AM, said:

    Geewhzz also got a spot even though i helped him with the design. i think that's just fair.

    in that case geoff and 5dave shouldn't be in also cause I helped them with theire winning prelim ....
    and I can remember there was another one ... only don't know anymore which entry it was :p .

    oh and cp6 shouldn't be in also cause I hacked for him also ...

    think the rule should be "the park must be a single efford game (with exception of levis' hacking help)" :p .
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    ^you hacked for me as well, but I'm not in.

    Edited by RaPiPo, 14 July 2007 - 01:36 PM.

  • dr dirt%s's Photo
    GO XIN!!!!!! WOOOOOO!!!

    I hope he wins to show who really sucks :evil: