Park / NeMica-Forgotten Land
14-November 08
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65.36%(required: 65%)
Pro Tour 3
Xcoaster 85% FullMetal 80% Kumba 80% CedarPoint6 75% zodiac 75% nin 70% Fr3ak 65% posix 65% postit 65% ChillerHockey33 60% Magnus 60% RCTFAN 60% geewhzz 55% Milo 55% chapelz 50% Evil WME 35% 65.36% -
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In fifth place, we present to you NeMica-Forgotten Land by FK+Coastermind. This topic is meant for commenting purposes. Please make sure to visit the park's page, too!(click logo to go to page)
Great work!
Despite that, I really enjoyed this entry.
Nice work!
This for me was really hit and miss,i loved the coasters and the interaction they had with evferything.The landscaping and buildings were also great however i thought the amount of brown landscaping used partially ruined the entry.For example if you change all of the land under the b+m flyer to grass its immediately more pleasant on the eyes.The foliage also let it down,for the first time ever id actually like to see more trees!
Id love to rework this entry with my own landscaping and foliage.hint hint
FK + Coastermind Congratulations!!
Very Good!!
I'm impressed. The areas around Red Dragon and Merdia were fantastic.
FullMetal Offline
All of my other opinions have been stated by others in one form or another.
And yes, the best is yet to come...
inVersed Offline
Great work, FK. I'd take RRP up on that offer! ;D
the ride layouts were amazing and the interaction,.
but im surprised this didnt place higher.
1) The coasters didn't stagger their trains properly, it's not that hard to put "minimum wait time" up to 40 seconds or so.
2) The many times aforementioned landscaping/foliage. The issue there isn't that it's monotonous, but that a small selection of 1/4 tile-sized objects just don't look full next to coasters, paths, etc, within the context of the game. Real parks are built on very monotonous pieces of land, but most of them do have trees scattered about, and a good deal more grass.
As for things I loved there's bits like the swooping turn-around for in the interlocking corkscrews on the floorless... The bridges and waterfalls there just sell it... Wonderful. The actual land-height variation throughout was decent, though a bit more of it could've spilled over onto the pathing layout (which was largely flat). Anyway this was a brilliantly done entry, very refined... It likely would've placed in the top 10 (if not the top five) of the PT2, or PT, both of which had unimaginably high average quality entry-to-entry. It's good to see that this Pro Tour will be keeping up the tradition in quality, if not in number.
Xcoaster Offline
EDIT: Actually, according to the scores, it was my second. I was drawn between this and BGNAm, but went with this since it was finished.
very true. what i'd like everyone to focus on a little is the difference in score. sixth place "metal masters" got 9.23 while nemica got 13.15. on the scale of 20 points max, this means a 42.47% increase in quality. so it's quite a leap.