Park / The Masterpiece
13-September 05
The Masterpiece
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to me this game is about having fun and not about winning spotlight or creating something new. just be yourself and build whatever you like and want to.
[congrats to winning SRU and thanks for mentioning me X250, though i worked at my speed.]
i know what you mean but thats not entirely what i was talking about. the parks as wholes are very similar. turtle's two spotlights, artist's two spotlights and now this dont have actual things in them that are differant(ie, themes, rollercoasters, and layout). look at parks like jkay's entertainment city and universal hawaii, sfwoe, and nascar experience for example. all of those runner-ups and all of those i enjoyed looking at more than this/artist/turtle parks.
(again, im not trying to bash any parks, all parks i talked about in my post are amazing)
BM - Prefer BM
PoM - Prefer Masterpiece
IoE - Prefer IoE
IC- Prefer IC
So, it falls somewhere in between those, which is one heck of an accomplishment. I do, however agree with the judgement of a Super Runner Up. Just to run through a few of my favorite parts: I loved the woodie that just sprawled throughout that whole area (which was pretty weak otherwise), but nevertheless it was great; the oriental area was outstanding, with some beautiful color selections. In general, your color scheme selections were the best I've seen in a LONG time. Very refreshing, and made the park much better IMO.
It's amazing to see how far you have gone since Leviticus. You are really starting to develop your own style. Hopefully you can work to refine your theming to give a more "experience" to the ride rather than just having theming for the sake of theming. Keep building parks, and you will develop your own style; I wouldn't worry what anyone else says.
PS- And that rocket coaster looks freakishly similar to the rocket in my heaven park...the first half of the layout is almost identical, colors, all that...almost suspiciously similar...but that could just be my imagination...
Good job.
Like, "oh, yes. I almost forgot! I play rct for fun, duh. Why else would i play it? To win some absolutely meaningless award called a spotlight? why not? Fuck. I didn't even win."
Really, that's probably the irritating part about the park. Concretely, there's not much keeping it from a spotlight. It just feels like it was made to do just that, somehow. Lots of parks seem to do that.
Isn't it just beautiful when a park is created out of pure, original motivation? Not with an idea of praise behind it either. Just a park for what it is. Whenever a parkmaker seems to hold that view his parks immediately become more interesting to a selected few, and thus, the rest, too.
On a relative same note, isn't it terrible that the majority of the 'adept rct players' sit back, criticize and philosophize about rct?
Corkscrewed Offline
I do agree about the "shallow parkmaking" vs "inspired parkmaking." I've always though that inspired parkmaking will naturally result in a great park (when combined with the skill). But a lot of parks these days don't seem inspired... they merely seem to be imitations or casual creations. Nothing wrong with that, but they're less likely to win.
So it's a bit of an oxymoron... if you build for the sole purpose to win a Spotlight, you probably won't, but if the Spotlight isn't your primary motivation, you might very well win.