Park / The Masterpiece
13-September 05
The Masterpiece
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What is that thing line that separates a Spotlight from a Super Runner Up? What pushes a park above that special plane, and what elements can nudge it underneath the waterline? Should there even be a line? Or should it just be something that comes naturally? It's a debate that can rage on until the end of time (or RCT, whichever comes first), but in this latest SRU, X250 probably comes closer than anyone before him in skirting that imaginary line with The Masterpiece: Palette of Ideas.
Discuss this park here. I'm sure there will be some lively discussion and questioning of my choices... as usual. Fire away!
Still congrats on winning this X although I can't agree on it at all that it's only super runner-up
what i liked about it was how your ideas came across. maybe a bit too little sometimes, but overall, they did. e.g. the end of the nascar coaster. nicely done.
next time i think you need to be even more aware of what you're building. your style is not decided enough, in my opinion. semi-realism (or anything semi for that matter) doesn't have a clear impression on the viewer, i think.
oh and oceanus. talk of bad pacing?
anyway, keep up what you're doing. i think you're an enrichment to the site.
chris, fantastic logo.
The coasters especially the rocket were brilliantly done.
Brilliant job X. Look forward to more from you in the future.
Good use of colours
Most coaster layouts
Some excellent ideas (Grand Prix Legend, Bananarama)
Naming (Tree Topz? Volcanzo?)
Inconsistancy of custom supports
Bad pacing on Oceanus
Amazing park X, im sure your upset by SRU after all that hard work, please take it out on other teams in H2H3 1/2
Yeah a bit disappointed it did not get Spotlight, but i suppose i am happy with SRU. It means i will be double-determined to get a parkmaker spot through PT2, and then hopefully win spotlight with my next solo.
Thanks to artist for the logo, Tyandor and Artist for guest spots, Richie for hacking help (and mowing a square of grass
Thanks NE.
Rhynos Offline
Sure your'e next park will get it
Great park X250...definitely the closest park to spotlight without actually winning it. I think this site needs to sorta break out of the mold we're in lately with most of the parks looking very similar to each other, people need to be more expeirmental to find their own style. Once you really break away from other parkmakers of your genre you will be amazing I think. Good luck in the PT2.
I liked this better than Isole Calabria.
Anyway, I'm glad that my Rocket came out right X. I did a very little amount of theming, but it seems I gave you the right nudge, lol.
Just for that I will look at this right away.
Eitherway, great win X. Great screens and walk-thru corky. I will be checking out the park tonite and hopefully posting more comments then.
loved the coasters although as pointed out some of the naming was odd
I'd love to know exactly what you would of needed to do to cross that hazy line though....
This park was definitely different. That's good in some cases and bad in others imo, but definitely could be used on a sierra mist commercial. It definitely seems that you were heavily inspired when building this park, with ideas like the magnus ride (as I've told the person you built another one for, brilliant although I wish it could operate like it should) and the custom flat. Very well done but I would have to agree with the verdict, which is the first time I've agreed with it for a couple of months now.
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