Lurker%s's Photo
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  • Had to look online to get an idea of the park, but this seems pretty accurate overall. Some nice building facades, foliage is a bit spammy/repeating in some areas but overall pleasant and seems to capture the woodland feel of the park well.  It could use more detail overall (Like around the dark ride, one of the highlights for me) but it's got some nice moments. 

  • Ride design was one of the big things that won me over voting for this park. Figured you had a part in the rides because you've been crushing it with layouts I could see your style in them.

  • Expo Miami:

    ?Love the aesthetic here, best palette I think I've seen for a theme like this, which along with the music really sets the atmosphere. Architecture is fantastic, love the variety of shapes and forms while being coherent at the same time, with a very clean overall style. Pathing also helps the clean style, I like the same dark color for most of it to contrast the buildings (Helping readability) while having some great lighting effects to make it really interesting. Overall park shape is nice, good use of curves around the beach, also that map edges is a cool effect.
    Vere Aeternum:
    Some absolutely stunning stonework and paths, also great use of waterfalls and butterfly objects to add motion and make it come to life along with the excellent flowery foliage. Coaster layouts are impressive, they have a lot of great interaction and their winding, vine-like tracks really make them feel like a natural living part of the landscape. Also some nice use of heights, the dramatic higher parts overlooking everything and I like the way there's secluded pockets of the map to explore (Also, cave map edge cutouts, I'm a fan of those). I actually didn't even realize the map was square because of how the hills give it a natural look on their own, they also make it feel way larger than the actual size it is.
  • Love the stonework and compact scale of this, really like your style and how it's evolving.

  • Sonnental:
    I really like the aesthetic of this, the blend of natural and modern materials. The main town especially, great interaction moments too with the coaster and the colors on the station are great. Love the foliage in the valleys, vibrant flowers and some nice use of the swaying foliage objects. Also some nice clean supports for the coaster.

    The Land Before The Land Before Time:
    I like the theme, and the landscaping is excellent. Lively, colorful, great height changes, really impressive stuff. And the ride design is great, Expedition Extinction's impressive layout, Switch-O-Saurus's creative support work and the way Apex weaves around the falls, all so good. Also, the sound design, nice touches that make the park even more lively along with everything above.


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