bctrainers%s's Photo
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  • Well, sorta.

    Read the Notice


    I read that earlier this morning. :(

    Sad that they closed down... again. But at least they are merging. :)
  • 1280 x 1024, Usually i'll switch to a lower resolution at night. ;)
  • I have two 100 GB HD's for my computer. Though, the first 100GB that i had, was full from games and such... it soon broke down... i was mad, lost so much data on it. Had a lot of things for my website i was going to upload. :@ So now i am down to one 100GB HD.

    On topic now: Your system folder is huge, here's one thing to do, make a backup of all of your programs and files that you need on your PC to a CD or something. Then do something to screw up the PC, and just say its a virus or worm. Then when you get the chance, find the installation CD that came with your computer and then format the PC and reinstall windows. That sould take care with most of the problem. ;)

    check out newegg.com for new and sometimes used hard drives. :)
  • Premium Service
    If your site receives more than 20 million page views a month, our sales team can help customize the AdSense program for your business.

    I think you misread that part there knuckles. ;)
  • Hey iris, try using Googles AdSense, i know thrillnetwork uses it. And it usually brings in the money quite a bit per month. https://www.google.com/adsense/

    --bc ;)


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