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  • website about roller
  • I'll send some.

    Seems to me this shouldn't be a debate. The guy has worked tirelessly for almost 3 years, after school, late into the night, etc. to keep the site current and enjoyable. HOW Iris asks for help, or hypotheses as to how much it costs to keep the site running or WHAT this $$$ would be used for is not relevant. If he has to work at "McDonalds", then the site will not stay updated. The countless hours for maintenance, contests, etc are done when he might otherwise be working.

    I'm sure each of us a $5, $10, $20 at SOME point to send it along. - One less beer, or cd. This site has cost over 1500.00 since its inception. Just try to show appreciation. Iris doesn't usually ask.

    RCT Station couldn't stay alive financially. Please don't let NE go down - it just takes a little from each member.
  • Have you seen "Fatal Attraction"?
  • holy crap...100 hundred write ups? wow, iris puts alot of time into this website (and it shows and is greatly appreciated ).

    So help the guy out with some $$$$ so he can keep the site going.
    W/e anyone can send....come on NE


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