Westy%s's Photo
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  • United States United States

  • I saw Annie Get Your Gun on Broadway a few years ago. I really enjoyed it. I hope you enjoy your time working on it. Out of curiousity, what part(s) are you? Have fun

    There's no business like show business.....

  • Penguins


  • Depends on the graffiti.

    Someone wrote "Band Fags" outside the bandroom doors at my high school. That is not art.

    The giant mural type graffiti that I've seen in Kansas City, Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, San Francisco, etc. are art.

    Words alone cannot be classified as art.
  • Did you mean Revolutions?

    Reloaded is already out on DVD...

  • Yup, I'm in marching band. Our competitive season is over however.

    I play tenor sax.




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