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  • Hi all,


    Thanks for all the thoughtful comments and feedback on the park. This has been a 10-year labor of love (well minus the 7 years that I stopped playing RCT). I tried to put some of the explanation of how this park evolved into the readme document, but I will try to elaborate below.


    In 2010 when I started building this park, I had never seen an animal-based park attempted in RCT2. I thought DAK was the best real-world example, so I used it as the model. I thought a lot about what I liked and what I thought could be improve about DAK with the ultimate goal of making a more fun park.  So I started pulling elements from other Disney parks that I thought would complement the general theme. I also knew I wanted to expand to other regions beyond Africa and Asia, and the Americas and Arabia were the most interesting to me. Originally, I also wanted to include an Australia/Pacific themed waterpark, but quickly realized that wasn’t feasible on one map – but maybe in the future.


    IMHO what DAK was missing were major thrill rides. When I think of thrill rides and wild animals in one place, Busch Gardens was the first place to come to mind. So I thought, let’s use Spain as a location to test a park with Disney themes and animal exhibits and Busch Gardens thrill rides. To balance the larger coasters that wouldn’t be accessible to kids, I developed Disney character-based themed areas exclusively for kids in each of the five themed lands.


    As far as the controversy of naming this park Disney, I think it’s very clear that Disney was the inspiration for the park and the name makes sense based on the general park layout, the replica of existing Disney themed lands, and the Disney characters. If the park doesn’t feel Disney enough for some, that’s a fair criticism, but my intention was to explore what I thought a fun, thrilling version of DAK could be.


    I also don’t think it’s possible to build a full, large-scale park in the current NE-style within the limitations of the current RCT platform. That object limit struggle is real! Some of the best NE Disney parks in the past few years have only been one or two “lands”. So this park is a throwback to when parks were much larger, with somewhat less detail than the ones today, but more than parks in early 2010s.


    The comments about the various styles are legitimate. Liampie and nin can probably vouch for this, but I completely rebuilt large sections of the park over the last few months to make them more modern. Ultimately, completely rebuilding the entire park was not feasible, but some of the older sections have their own nostalgic purpose.


    Other comments:

    - Dinoland is definitely too square, because up until a month ago it was a replica of Mysterious Island at DisneySea, which felt off-theme.

    - The safari was inspired by nin and was a continuous struggle because of the foliage, which is not my strongest skill

    - The enhanced rapids is based one of Disney’s original Tiger River Rapids concepts

    - Similar to the real DAK, all rides are not named after Disney characters, some are based on animals and regions, ie. Stallion – the readme lays out the areas and their themes

  • This is helpful feedback. I've already swapped the pony express trains - didn't know they existed. I will play around with the roof colors. Also appreciate the suggestions to increase the visibility of the coaster. The swinger redo may be a bigger task that I'm up for at the moment.

  • thanks, G Force

  • thanks for the feedback. I am reevaluating the supports.

    nin is absolutely correct that I wanted to take DAK and add some of the thrill elements of Busch Gardens. There are 4 new large coasters in this park, so will take a second pass at integrating them better.

  • I will see what I can do, but BM supports do not align well with the thinner launched LIM track


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