Timothy Cross%s's Photo
Timothy Cross
  • Offline
  • United States United States

  • Great coaster. I love the foliage. It's a fantastic screen overall. And I’m a sucker for single-wide paths in areas where nature is more of a focus. Reminds me of some of Mala’s work.
  • I like the hack on the coaster and the ride’s colors as I don’t recall a lot of other’s using that color on coasters.

    I guess no one has discovered shaping using math yet. Or that just might be my thing. If I actually played.

    Good job. I like less detailed screens. Less can be more.
  • Hello friend. Good work. My advice is to build for yourself first.

    It's the same as writing literature. If you don't write for yourself first and what you enjoy, the passion will be missing. On the other hand, if you write for yourself first, the passion will be read from the pages. And the work will therefore be better.

    So, I advise you to use the same approach in RCT. Build for YOU first and foremost. Enjoy yourself, friend.
  • Be a rebel and don't do what all the cool kids are doing. Nerds end up ordering their burgers on lunch break from the corporate headquarters. Great screen.
  • It's quite beautiful and inspiring. Perhaps inspiring the art style of my future animated music videos with RCT-inspired music (involving math and creative processes I’ve discovered from the game and applied to music, among other things) and various other RCT players and parks have inspired my in-progress animated maps in my music videos via RCT-like objects and shapes drawn one by one, pieced together and animated all via simple math. I love this site and this game. You artists are brilliant.


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