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  • Added an invisible entertainer object that makes use of the recently introduced peep animation objects, you will need to be on the latest development versions of OpenRCT2 to use these objects.

  • Added two new objects with both being updates to some very old custom content, the first one being an enhanced version of AE's swimming pool with most of the inherent boat hire jank removed and a fixed version of the old zipper custom flat ride to fix a crippling bug it had that made the object unusable.

  • It's not two overlaid paths, the "footpath" is only the border piece so as a result it shows the terrain surface below it which can be any terrain surface. In the screenshot for it on the OP i did add some pieces that were just placed on plain grass if you want an idea of how it works without testing it ingame for yourself.

  • New object added: Footpath border. This is an edit of the red brick footpath from the Disneyland Project of RCT*MART to remove the brick texture from the center of it, leaving only the border on the edge of the tile. This works wonderfully with custom terrain surfaces to let you effectively use any terrain surface as a full tile footpath with a nice border on the edges!

  • The official openrct2 objects repo on github has a workflow & script that automatically builds objects and compiles their images to LGX. (.dat)

    I just made my own fork of it, removed all of the original objects, and then added my objects within the objects folder and simply take the built objects zip from the actions page whenever i implement updates/new objects.




    There's probably a better way of handling it locally but this works fine for me. You can look at the scripts in the official objects repo to get an idea of what it does.


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