Iretont%s's Photo
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  • Canada Canada

  • Role: Player

    Games: OpenRCT2

    Availability: New job recently that does require a significant amount more demand of my time making it harder to fit in time to build throughout the day. Also, I have two young kids that are into a variety of activities and also play baseball twice per week and generally golf one or two times as well so time is quite limited. I definitely would not be able to lead a park. I could possibly put a bit of support time in (probably a max 30% on a park or smaller shares on two) but I would likely be better suited to spending time on some objects or CTR. 


    I do have a couple vacations although they are not completely scheduled yet. I will be away June 27 to July 2 for sure and likely a week or two in August but it may be after the final. 


    Strengths: Can build CTR and have some object building skills. I also generally have a positive attitude and will do what I can to support the team in different ways. 


    Weaknesses: Availability, Not a big picture ideas guy but I can be creative at expanding upon others ideas


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