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  • As a concept creation, this is excellent. Starting to bring in custom objects and shape things out a bit more, the atmosphere and dedication to capturing imagery from the movie make this so compelling.


    That being said, this really isn't a 'full park' for me because of the diorama-component. Don't get me wrong, the sky is beautiful and adds SO much to the theme and atmosphere of the project overall. But, some parts of the park just can't be seen because you really only get 1 full view, then two partial. The mine train, for example, is hard to follow without cutaway or making scenery invisible. But it appears you themed that part of it, so it seems like something you intended to be seen but then covered up.


    I'm honestly very torn about it. On one hand, I think the diorama is such a unique way to frame the park and build something that looks incredible. But, it makes a very 2D experience that is less immersive as a result. I guess this just becomes a question of where you want to take your rct, between building these smaller vignettes that are gorgeous but quick to look at or sacrificing some of the benefits of a diorama element in favor of something more immersive for the viewer and more 3D in character. Or both. Or if you can get someone to make you pieces that are only visible from one direction, then you could do the diorama while still letting people see all sides.


    That all being said, i'd say a high bronze/low silver seems appropriate: beautiful and creative, execution is getting there, but not quiet as engaging due to the sky diorama.



    Thank you for feedback. I agree on some of your suggestions.


    I already had 1-side view objects for building sky wall before starting this park.


    I also thought about limitation of view, as well. I could use those objects, but I think it's matter of where we put priorities of each of us. 


    I wanted this diorama to be more looking like a diorama, more looking like a figure, more looking like a miniature. 


    Then the sky which is only seen in one quarter view doesn't make sense in terms of reality. This is the difference of this park from other custom scenarios I used 1-side view sky objects, The Starry Night, for example. The sky of LAPUTA shouldn't be a real sky, but it must be a 'sky shaped wall'.


    And honestly, that sky island with giant tree in the middle is not fully organized. It looks like perfectly circle in the front view, but is quite out of shape in other view.


    We looks down objects in RCT, which makes the objects under the other hid and only partially seen. The case of maze garden and the big tree is like that. So I distorted the shape of the structure on purpose for it to be more looking like eye-level. 


    Then, covering and hiding the other side's distorted shape was inevitable. It's a matter of choice - sacrificing the aesthetic level of completion of the landmark, or sacrificing view of other side except the front, as you said. I've been usually prioritized former. 


    I don't know where I want to take my RCT. I just use the techniques I know of in every situations as much as possible, and deliver the best result that my aesthetic senses judge. That could be a vignette sometimes, or more 3D park other.

  • [ntamin22' timestamp='1597252739' post='764588']
    I really like the way you've adapted the layout of the town to make the diorama.  Did you borrow the gem cave idea from the H2H Ghibli park?

    Thank you! The idea is from the movie itself, since I'v been a big fan of ghibli, especially Laputa for more than 10 years so remember almost every scenes. Of coure, to make this park I downloaded H2H ghibli park and it helped a lot! I got the idea of levitation stone by observation tower from the park. One day I would challenge whole ghibli park, and then I should much more be helped by it.
  • Wow


    Yes it is :)


    I am Liam's second account. 


    Wow, don't you like this screenshot? 

  • nice try, but I have found several things that Liamwould never approve of here at New Element Designs©®


    4 different paths
    5 different fences
    tree with the same rotation
    are you even really red


    Is it a sarcasm?  

  • The theming leaves something to be desired, the WWTT scenery objects for example look awful and it doesn't look right that you're using RCT2 pirate ships alongside fully custom, well done flying airships. That said, this map is so cool. Quite fun to explore, and the few settlements you included are as well composed as the map as a whole. I love that mini Minas Tirith! I know you're not into detailing your work further, but I recommend using objects that fit into the game aesthetics better.


    Also, this is up there as one of the very best looking aerials ever. Everything that you could consider a flaw with this map, looks great from afar.


    Thank you for feedback! I definitely agree, that some made of custom objects next to the other made of basic objects could seem  unaesthetic. Maybe I was little bit lazy to make a new ship, leaving the one which already provided. If there was a basic airship object, I would use it, too. XD BTW, what is WWTT? I've never heard of it before, guessing they're wacky world and time twister?? Are they considered bad options to use here??


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