Danni Go to post #745505
Sure, I'm in as a player!
Danni Go to post #741410
I am in for this, sign me up.
Danni Go to post #734977
So I feel quite the same way as Poke does re: what you get when you open the park and all. I think people are over-exaggerating how strong the impact of those breakdowns should be on anyone's score (30% is far, *far* too low a score for this). I looked over this park last night so I may forget ride names quite a lot, sorry!
I gave 65% and I think it's bronze-worthy, here's why:
+ This park was absolutely great fun to look at and explore. You had lots of rides and lots of details to look for. For me, that is very important for a park to do, it has to suck you in and make you explore it. You got a lot of it right. Speaking of which:
+ Atmosphere was great, the amount of detail really did suck you in and make you look through the whole park.
+ Ride layouts are nice, Nexus is great and the purple invert (forgot the name, sorry!). I liked Fire Hazard too.
+ Architecture was well-done in some places, in other parts it felt a little...lacking, but I did like how it was done in the flat rides area.
+ Foliage was vibrant, energetic, and colourful. One of the stronger points of the park, in my opinion.
- The errors upon opening the park are sadly a little sloppy, but I feel it isn't so big an issue because it took a few clicks and everything was operating fine. Maybe you wanted us to interact with the park or something
But you should have cleaned up a bit before you submitted.
- Some architecture was a little too simple in some places
- Some of the interaction does feel a little forced, but the double loop on the corkscrew coaster bugs me the most. I'm not usually big on interlocking elements, unfortunately.
- A lot of variety in the foliage may have held you back sometimes, especially in the most dense areas of the park.
Overall, for your first release, you nailed it. It's got some flaws, but it's a very strong release that I had rightly anticipated. Definitely worthy of a bronze. I do hope you go CSO at some point, you seem fairly confident putting some CSO into your (semi-)NCSO work.
Danni Go to post #734958
It'll be fun to be involved in this in any way, shape, or form even on the replacements list so why not
Player: NCSO + RCT2 CSO -
Danni Go to post #733131
My two cents:
Loving how this looks so far, very nice and colourful imo. I like the use of the white water objects, really makes the scenery seem full of life to me. A little thing I like is the way the colour of the road changes when transitioning from the road to the bridge. The cars hidden away in the scenery is a nice touch as well.
Removing the beige/brown long grass between the two parts of the interstate would be good as I dislike it there, but oddly enough it's fine in the surrounding area. Idk, overly tall grass in between two busy roads doesn't make sense to me.