RCThibo%s's Photo
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  • Belgium Belgium

  • This release is, to me, the very definition of picturesque. It's such a tranquil, beautiful scene - I just had to sit there and watch for a while. The architecture is stellar, the detailing is on point, I really can't praise this enough. It's crazy how much you've improved since the first couple parks I've seen from you.

  • This is a nice comeback! I really enjoyed watching the coaster - nice flowing layout and it's so satisfying when it syncs up with the music. The surrounding cityscape seemed a bit simplistic at first glance, but there's some nice details sprinkled throughout. The custom palette and music really help sell the atmosphere, so good job on that. I would've loved to see you incorporate some more of those gardens though, the pictures you showed look beautiful!

  • This should be illegal


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