l4rgo%s's Photo
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  • This is a perfect example of something amazing if youre new to the game. When I first played rct I would have found this extrodinary, but we move on. Think more "organic" and "random" at times, let your structures have a flow and not a ridgid design. I love how you have reached out for inspirations and help from other posters, especially how you credit them. Just remember that sometimes the smallest touches can make the biggest differences.  :}

  • I really like the que for vibration, maybe some more terrain action through the course of the ride however?

  • I hate to be the bearer of bad new but the logs are going to fly around that turn when loaded with peeps. Looks great otherwise but I'd fix that even though I know it's a pain.


    Another ditto here from CB, I love everything except that drop and the splash-down, far too short. Move it back or hack it to be steeper?

  • Thumbs up from me, a few additional colors would go a long way though.


    I adore it, but CB has hit the nail hard on the head here

  • Not a fan, the colors all mix in my eyes and make this weird collage effect, also im not a huge fan of that "bump" thing. With more foliage I am sure I will love it but currently it makes my eye balls go all strange


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