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  • Would've been neat to see an arrow coaster with the new pieces make an appearance as one of the options.  


    I was so close to submitting an arrow actually! In the end though i thought it wouldn't offer as much flexibility in terms of building styles, since they tend to work best with more gritty realism where you can push the support work and infrastructure detailing.


    My goal was mostly to build something that has an open feeling where it can surround path plazas and offer a few different composition options. I don't agree with Liam's comment that it's linear or Scoop's comment that it's pushing you build something in a similar fashion to Hulk. Both mine and Pac's are clearly our own twists on existing B&M layouts.


    I'm hoping to have some time to enter and looking forward to building with whichever one of these! I think I will find CP6s the biggest challenge but maybe that's more fun.

  • I really like the flat shading on the snow colour in this map! It has a very striking/graphic look

  • this is really cool - has a surreal quality somehow

  • incredible to see this

  • This is my go-to reference for Fisch rocks. Amazing landscaping throughout.


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