Neropegasus Go to post #592978
Holy cow fizzix and enigma - you're amazing! Your work is definitely inspirational.
Alright, this is from Marley Point, but I have no intention of reviving the thread. I have a tendency to abandon it soon after I post...also because it's been half a year.
What to do with these? -
Neropegasus Go to post #562687
Thanks for the comments everyone! They're very encouraging and helpful! I'll definitely work on the buildings. I plan to have a lot of experimentation with that. Also, if that was to me, Corey, then no, I am not Prince.
I'll try and get a lot more done with my park and give another update by next weekend! -
Neropegasus Go to post #562575
Yay for reviving zombie threads.
Sorry for the sudden killing of this thread - I've been highly distracted by school and starcraft 2.
Without further ado, here's two coasters I made. The wooden one is named Thor. Then there's a kiddie coaster, named VioleNt (see what I did there?).
VioleNt: -
Neropegasus Go to post #553209
Thanks for the comments everyone! Your input definitely keeps me motivated to work on this.
I've been touching up the buildings and tried to hide as best I could the original park entrances/exits of the rides I'm also clleaning up some foliage and adding some fences. Hopefully there's some improvement in these 2 screens: -
Neropegasus Go to post #553143
So I was looking at this thread for awhile and now I have a question. Why do you never want to put the coaster track directly on the ground?
I don't want to derail this thread, by the way.