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  • Hello everyone! First time poster here! :) (Long time forum viewer)

    I would just like to say one thing.

    IceKnight366's post-

    "I think this step for the Atheist actually represents an admission of ignorance. For many of them, they realize that they have no arguments to prove that God doesn't exist, and so they re-define Atheism to hide their ignorance. When they speak in the public square, they will spout off about how God does not exist. Yet when pressed to give evidence of this, they will change their stance and re-define Atheism as a lack of belief to hide their burden."

    The alternate view-

    "I think this step for the believer actually represents an admission of ignorance. For many of them, they realize that they have no arguments to prove that God does exist, and so they re-define believing to hide their ignorance. When they speak in the public square, they will spout off about how God does exist. Yet when pressed to give evidence of this, they will change their stance and re-define believing as a belief to hide their burden."

    Pardon my poor use of "belief" and "believing" in the last sentence, but you get the point. To everyone here- choosing to be a believer or not to be a believer is a choice! No one should try to convert others to believe or not to believe. Let's stop this nonsense and go back to a happy religion/anti-religion FREE community of ROLLER COASTER TYCOON lovers :)


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