coasterfreak101%s's Photo
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  • Those queue coverings are HOT. Supports are perfect too.

  • This is awesome!

  • Everything is phenomenal, but that rock arch? Stunning.

  • What a beautiful ride.

    I like the composition in this screen, well done!

    Thank you :)


    Foliage is a tad messy though - I'd lose the tall green grass and go with more tightly trimmed shrubs or flowers if possible.

    Yeah, I've struggled to find the balance between 'naturally overgrown' and 'visibly appealing from the viewing perspective'. I will give some shorter stuff a shot to clean it up!


    I'm trying to figure out how this coaster works. do it launch into that spike just to turn over the water into the breaks? and if so does it go into the station backwards? A bit confusing. That being said I love the palette and everything looks really good.

    My goal was to make something people hadn't done before, so I'll take confusion as a compliment! It's a multi-launch coaster with a full circuit, but at the end you launch into a spike. The stuff at the top left is the backwards portion that leads into the brakes.


    Pretty sexy

    All I'm going for at the end of the day :)

  • This is so frickin' cool!


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