tinakhal%s's Photo
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  • did you drexler before the official patch?
    you should always update with the official patch for XP before drexlering - otherwise the official patch won't work properly and the game won't run properly on winXP.

    Well, sort of;
    I've only installed the official us patch, because I don't even plan on downloading any custom parks period. So what's the point of downloading drexler?

    Yea, well any more suggestions for me?

    O, yea, and thanks ntamin22.
  • Hey, sorry to bump this after quite come time but I need some help. I've tried the drexler patch and the other one, I've followed your guide and stuff (BTW, Im using WinXP) but every time I hit "Save Game" on anyscenario it just exits the program. Can you help me here? I'm not using any trainers or anything..


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