ar2910 Go to post #773285
Oberlaken is now available to download on the parks page for those of you who'd love to try your hand at adding rides to the tiny Alpine micronation
My greatest of thanks to the admins who have prepared and uploaded this park right in the midst of an H2H! (I honestly had no idea when the new H2H contest was starting, and didn't intend for Oberlaken to add more work to their already very full plates)
ar2910 Go to post #773283
Well, what can I say that hasn't already been said? A masterwork of realism and composition! Everything feels so finely balanced; The packed in rides and stalls of the fairground compared to the open lawns and spaces of the park; The grubby Earth colours and textures contrasted to the wild pops of a vibrant ride palette; The carefully composed foliage ensuring that no areas of the park seem overgrown or bare.
The details are mind-blowing! I'm guessing this is based off a travelling fair you have visited? If so (and even if not) it's obvious this park took a great deal of research to pin down all the immaculate details, and that's something I really appreciate
A near faultless park, and a demonstration that a park doesn't have to be huge or even based around a specific theme to truly blow our socks off! Kudos
ar2910 Go to post #773282
This park is absolutely incredible! I had to keep reminding myself I was looking at NCSO. The landscaping and building shapes all work so well together, with the cataract and rapids roaring through the town. I think this is definitely one of the best uses I've ever seen of the notoriously tricky to integrate WW canyon wall pieces. The colour palette you used is also perfect; A really satisfying mix of the deeper, richer browns, red, and black, alongside the bright orange, white, and blue highlights. I can tell that you spent a long time moving elements around to ensure they fit exactly into the compact footprint of the park.
All in all, a real gem that definitely deserves more praise and attention. Kudos!
ar2910 Go to post #772487
I just can't unseen Edvard Munch's The Scream in the minimap
Damn, now I can't either!
ar2910 Go to post #772486
I think the volcanoes work really well here as a cliff face
I agree with the other comment though regarding mixing up the land textures a bit. Also, if you're using the quarter tile flowers as small bushes/grasses, be sure to sprinkle in a few different shades of green here and there for an added touch of realism.
Overall a really zen screen